
Interviewing Techniques for ServiceNow Hiring Managers

Interviewing Techniques for ServiceNow Hiring Managers Linking Humans

Here are some of the top strategies to follow as a ServiceNow hiring manager if you’re concerned you might not be getting the most out of your candidates in interviews.

When most ServiceNow professionals think about the complexity of interviewing, they focus on the challenges facing the person being interviewed. However, the hiring manager hosting the interview has hurdles to overcome too. 

From avoiding unconscious bias to selling your candidates on the idea of working with your ServiceNow company, there are several important points to keep in mind. 

1. Know Your Interview Options

The first step in ensuring you can master your interviews as a hiring manager is knowing what methods you can use to connect with candidates. 

Today, the face-to-face interview isn’t your only option. Video interviews have increased by 67% recently due to the pandemic and the rise of remote work. As hybrid employment options continue to thrive and companies look for ways to streamline the interviewing process, video conversations will likely grow more common. 

There’s also the option for simple phone interviews too. 

Each type of interview has its own challenges to consider. For instance:

  • In-person interviews: You’ll need to think about where you’re going to host your interview, whether it’s a welcoming space, who will attend, and whether the candidate will present or not. 
  • Video interviews: Consider what kind of video meeting service you’ll be using, the background you’ll have in your video, and how you can present yourself as professionally as possible over a webcam.
  • Phone interviews: Ask yourself whether you may need to record phone interviews to go back over them later and how you can ensure you get a good idea of what the candidate is like based on voice alone.

2. Avoid Inappropriate Questions

Inappropriate questions are more common than you would think in ServiceNow interviews. While certain topics of conversation can feel like polite small talk at first, they often cause more problems than you’d think. For instance, asking people about what they did on the weekend can create an unconscious bias if you also have a shared hobby. 

Unconscious bias could favour one candidate over another because you like certain things about their lifestyle or personality, which have nothing to do with the role.

3. Interview Style and Format

There are many different kinds of interviewing techniques today’s business leaders and hiring managers can use, including competency-based or collaborative interviews, presentations and group interactions. 

Interviews are always best performed with two people from the hiring company, which can help avoid bias.

Consider using a first and second stage format before the final decision. In today’s environment, many first and second stage interviews can take place over Zoom or MSTeams.

4. Standardise Your Interview Questions

Standardising your interview questions makes it easier to assess your candidates when you have interviewed several people for a role. It also means you’re less likely to allow unconscious biases to get in the way of your hiring decisions because you’re evaluating everyone based on the same set of guidelines, criteria and questions.

Create specific competency-based interview questions for the specific ServiceNow role in question, which allows you to score each potential employee based on their specific values, behaviours and results. For instance, you can ask questions, share examples of times they’ve acted as a leader or shown exceptional teamwork, and then make notes about their responses. Assigning scores to answers will also help you see who you should be shortlisting.

Your interviews need to maintain a level of flexibility. It will be logical to ask follow-up questions to elicit more detail at times. 

“Tell me more about X or Y or why you decided to do B or C” are classic follow-up questions that work.

5. Make Notes and Follow Up

Finally, make sure you take notes as often as possible as you progress through the interview. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of the conversation and then forget everything you needed to know about the candidate when you come back to review later. 

Always set aside some time at the end of each ServiceNow interview to gather your thoughts and catalogue what stood out to you most about the candidate (good and bad). This information should accompany your scores for various standardised questions.

Making notes can also help when you’re following up with your candidates by allowing you to provide a more contextual and relevant message. 

Showing you remember what you said (like any requirements for starting dates) shows the potential candidate you’re invested in working with them.

Remember, if you’re struggling with your ServiceNow interviewing process, it’s often helpful to seek some help from a specialist recruitment company like ourselves that can help with a lot more than just finding you new candidates – they can also give you advice on how to interview more effectively, with tips on questions you might need to ask.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Updating your ServiceNow hiring strategy for 2024

Updating your ServiceNow hiring strategy for 2024 Linking Humans

2024 is going to be a busy year for growing ServiceNow teams, so here are 5 ways you can get your hiring strategies in order. 

Though some of the challenges of hiring in the last couple of years are beginning to diminish, the ServiceNow sector is still a skills-short market. Trends like the “Great Resignation” and an increasing demand for global, remote work are leading to massive turnover for all kinds of companies.

Since your ServiceNow practice can’t thrive without the right employees, it makes sense for every business leader to think about how they can improve their hiring strategy in this new landscape.

Ensuring you have the right plan in place can help you attract the most sought-after talent, improve your chances of employee retention, and strengthen your employer brand.

Here are some of the hiring strategies generating powerful results for ServiceNow companies.


1. What do ServiceNow candidates want?

The first step in ensuring you can successfully hire and retain ServiceNow resources is knowing what your candidates really want from their employer. In the last couple of years, the evolving workplace has led to the development of new priorities for many staff members.

Today’s employees still want to get the salary they deserve, but they also want:

  • Empathy: A focus on respect, empathy, diversity, and inclusion will be crucial to attracting candidates in any environment. Showcasing your empathetic side will help you to attract employees who share the same values as your business.
  • Flexibility: Today’s employees want more flexible roles. With the rise of cloud technology, most ServiceNow jobs can be more hybrid, remote, or flexible than they once were. Some companies are even exploring concepts like the 4-day work week.
  • Development: Your employees want to see a future with your company, and a path for them to improve and enhance their skills. Have meetings with your team members to identify their current and long-term goals, and how you can help them reach them.


2. Should I use a  Specialist ServiceNow Recruiter?

Recruiters are one of the most valuable tools you’ll have in your hiring strategy, particularly when they specialise in the ServiceNow industry. An experienced ServiceNow recruiter will be able to help you identify the most important things your candidates are looking for when you’re writing your job descriptions and interviewing potential employees. 

Recruiters can also save you significant time in collecting applications from a diverse range of backgrounds. Their existing presence in the industry means they already have access to various environments where they can find people to fill your talent pipeline.

With a recruiter, you’ll also have access to support and guidance to help you with everything from improving the interview experience, to making your job listings more impactful.

Just remember, to get the most out of your recruiter, you’ll need to walk the line between clarity and flexibility. It’s important to be clear about the things you really want from your candidate, but don’t get lost in the search for the perfect unicorn employee. 

3. Does my Employer Brand Stand out?

In today’s digital world, employers have endless opportunities to learn more about their potential candidates by looking at their social media profiles and personal brand. However, it’s worth remembering your candidates also have the same opportunity to evaluate you.

Before considering whether to accept a job offer or even send in an application, most of today’s candidates will research your brand. It’s important to make sure your offer and E.V.P. (Employer Value Proposition) stand out. 

Start by assessing your current employer brand, and what you communicate to potential staff members. Are you active on social media, constantly sharing valuable information about your company culture and the growth of your team members? Do your employees talk positively about you on social channels and review sites?

Next, consider your job offer and how it compares to roles available from your competition. Are you delivering the same level of flexibility for your new candidates? What can you provide that your team members can’t get elsewhere? Remember, organisations that implement a successful employer brand cut their cost-per-hire in half! 

Your ServiceNow recruitment professional will be able to help you with cultivating the right employer brand.

4. Upgrading the Candidate Journey

In today’s changing landscape, employers need to make sure every stage of the candidate journey is as convenient and engaging as possible to avoid losing the attention of top talent. With the help of your ServiceNow recruitment agency, look at every touchpoint you’ll have with your candidates, and how you can update them to suit the current trends.

For instance, are you posting your job listings on social media, so they’re easy to find, and making sure it’s easy for your candidates to learn more about the role on your website? When candidates apply for a role, how will you interview them?

Video and remote interview processes are becoming increasingly common, particularly for remote and hybrid roles. You may also need to think about:

  • Following up with candidates: How will you keep your candidate engaged by following up and providing insights into their progress?
  • Onboarding: How will you onboard your team members when you decide who to hire, and how can you make them feel like part of the team as quickly as possible?
  • Diversity: How will you ensure you’re making hiring decisions without bias, and you’re respecting the concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

5. Planning a Comprehensive Recruitment Strategy

Finally, it’s worth remembering that being prepared will save you a lot of time, effort, and money in today’s skills-short market. Rather than just rushing to fill gaps in your ServiceNow team when someone leaves your workforce, it’s worth thinking about your long-term talent strategy.

Work with your recruiter to build a talent pipeline, filled with diverse professionals from different environments, who can add something valuable to your team. When creating this pipeline, don’t just think about the skills you need now, but the expertise you may need in the future.

A good talent pipeline will mean you always have somewhere to turn to access crucial talent when your company needs it most. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies with delivering permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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5 Signs Your ServiceNow Consultant is Thinking About Leaving

5 Signs Your ServiceNow Consultant is Thinking About Leaving Linking Humans

It is critical to recognise the signs that your employee might be looking elsewhere. So in this post, we are going to share several signs to consider.


Securing the right talent for your ServiceNow team is the first stage of building a successful ServiceNow practice. Once you’ve attracted top-performing candidates to your workforce, you also need to ensure you’re taking steps to keep them around. 

In today’s skill-short landscape, employees have endless opportunities to switch between ServiceNow partners and End Users whenever they’re unsatisfied with their current employment. That means learning how to retain your top talent is more important than ever. 

Staff members can choose to leave a business for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they feel they’re not getting enough satisfaction from their role, or they lose interest in the company’s vision for the future.

Other times, employees may feel they don’t thrive in their current position due to issues with colleagues or managers. 

While the cost of replacing a lost employee can be significant, it’s worth remembering that anywhere up to 75% of turnover can be avoided.

1. They’re Avoiding Long-Term Projects and Career Growth

When a ServiceNow employee decides they no longer want to work with a company, they often begin to reduce their involvement in long-term projects and strategies for development or growth. They stop envisioning a “future” with the business, which means they generally spend more of their time on short-term tasks and simply “checking boxes” on their to-do list.

When an employee who previously volunteered for various challenging projects no longer raises their hand in meetings or delegates long-term work to other employees. In that case, this could signify they’re not planning on being around for long.

Pay close attention to whether your staff members still invest in their future with the company by agreeing to learning and development opportunities or discussing goals during one-on-one meetings. If your employees no longer see a future with you, change their perspective by offering them insights into progression opportunities, they might miss out on if they leave.

2. They Show Visible Signs of Stress

The World Health Organisation says “burnout” is a significant occupational phenomenon that has increased dramatically in recent years. Burned-out and overwhelmed employees disengage from the workplace, show clear signs of exhaustion, and often look for alternative work opportunities. With this in mind, tracking your employee’s mental and physical health is important.

Pay attention to signs of exhaustion, like the heavy reliance on caffeine, yawning, or even a slower-than-usual pace in your team member’s workflow. 

The attitude of your ServiceNow employee might begin to change too. They may appear to be overwhelmingly negative towards other colleagues or attempt to isolate themselves from their peers, taking part in meetings less than usual. In some cases, they could even become more argumentative or aggressive. If you notice signs of burnout, speak to your staff member about how you can help them manage their workload.

3. They’re Not as Creative or Intuitive as Usual

When employees decide to leave a ServiceNow practice, they stop actively contributing to its growth. You may notice some of your top performers who used to share ideas for development in previous meetings are now quieter when you’re asking for suggestions or advice. 

Rather than trying to solve problems with out-of-the-box ideas and collaboration, your team members may simply pass difficult tasks onto other employees. They could stop taking the initiative with their work and may focus on doing just the “bare minimum” to get by.

A ServiceNow Developer who’s occasionally quiet during business meetings isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm. However, if your team members seem to have lost their passion for helping the company grow, they may no longer feel inspired by your company’s mission or values. 

A good way to address this issue is to give your team members regular feedback and let them know how much you value their input. Employees are more likely to contribute when they feel recognised and rewarded for their hard work.

4. They Attend More ServiceNow Events

Networking is important in building a thriving career in ServiceNow. It’s not unusual for dedicated employees to attend a ServiceNow event such as a World Forum or Knowledge and connect with other experts on social media. However, there may be a problem if your team members focus more on external networking than on building internal relationships. 

If you notice your team members are disconnecting from their internal peers, failing to attend meetings, or spending less time chatting with colleagues, check out their external networking efforts. If they’re heavily invested in adding new connections on LinkedIn and improving their personal brand, this could be a sign they’re looking for a way to branch into new opportunities. 

There are a few ways managers and supervisors can tackle this issue. Preventing staff from building external connections isn’t an option, but you can encourage your team to bond with their colleagues through team-building exercises and more consistent internal communication.

5. Their Performance Begins to Suffer

For ServiceNow employees to thrive in their role, they need to do a lot more than just show up and follow the instructions given by a manager. The best staff members are constantly pushing themselves to be their best. However, if your employee is disengaged and disinterested in their work, you may begin to notice performance issues. 

You might be able to notice more errors in their work, which they never used to make before. Or perhaps your customers are providing negative feedback concerning a specific employee’s behaviour. Other colleagues may even complain that one team member is no longer pulling their weight around the office. 

If your staff member is no longer reaching their targets or making the right amount of effort, the first step shouldn’t always be to engage in disciplinary action. Speak to your team members and discover what’s happening behind the scenes.

Don’t Lose Your Top Performers

In today’s changing ServiceNow landscape, issues like disengagement, burnout, and even “quiet quitting” are becoming increasingly common. Fortunately, if you can recognise these signs ahead of time, there are still things you can do to re-ignite your staff’s passion for your company and prevent them from seeking other employment options. 

Pay attention to your top performers, and make sure you’re not actively pushing them away. 


Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies with delivering permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners across the UK. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

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Top tips for creating ServiceNow job offers that make candidates say “yes!”

Top tips for creating ServiceNow job offers that make candidates say “yes!” Linking Humans

Attracting and hiring the top candidates for your ServiceNow company is becoming an increasingly complex process. In the age of the “Great Resignation”, professionals have grown more discerning about where they want to work. 

Today’s top talent has endless opportunities for employment, not just from local businesses, but global teams hiring remote employees. 

To thrive in this landscape, business leaders need to know how to create the most compelling job offers, to stand out to the most qualified candidates. 

The question is, as ServiceNow employee preferences and priorities continue to evolve, how do you ensure your job offer makes the right impact? Here are some of the top strategies you can use to improve your chances of your candidates saying “yes”. 

1. Assess Your Company Culture

Culture is growing increasingly important to today’s ServiceNow candidates. 46% of employees say company culture is vital to their decision of which business to work for. Top performers are consistently attracted to organisations that share their personal values, ethics, and priorities. 

What’s more, many of the best candidates in the market today want to see evidence they’re going to be employed in a purpose-led job with genuine meaning. Assessing your company culture and how you highlight your values to your candidates is an important step in making your offer more compelling. Ask yourself what kind of values you highlight in your job descriptions, your business website, and even the reviews and testimonials shared by existing employees. 

Does your business reward teamwork and innovation? Do you have a strong focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, to ensure everyone feels aligned in your workforce? 

2. Refine Your EVP

After you’ve ensured you’re sending the right message with your company culture, it’s time to start looking at your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Your EVP is essentially everything you offer your candidates to set yourself apart from other employers in the ServiceNow space. 

While there’s more to a good EVP than salary, it’s worth making sure you’re paying your employees what they deserve. Research the typical pay rates for the kind of jobs you’re trying to fill, and make sure you take the value of your candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience into account. 

Beyond a competitive pay package, you can also improve your EVP by looking at benefits, flexible working styles, and more. 

Once you’ve defined your EVP, make sure it stands out wherever you’re going to be interacting with candidates. Share information about your benefits and opportunities on your website, and discuss options with potential talent during the interview process.

3. Focus on Empathy and Flexibility

In the last couple of years, the priorities of many ServiceNow candidates have evolved in a few key areas. Perhaps the most important factors most leaders are looking for today, are empathy, and flexibility. Demonstrating empathy as an employer shows your talent you respect their needs, and want to contribute to their wellbeing. 

Creating wellness initiatives designed to keep employees healthy and happy is a great way to make your job offer more appealing to all kinds of candidates. Share information on your site about mental health days you’ve offered for your staff or the on-site support you offer for the personal needs of your employees. 

From a flexibility perspective, think about how you can adapt to the new working styles of top ServiceNow candidates. Many of today’s professionals are looking for opportunities to work from home, even part-time, to give them a better sense of work/life balance. 

You could even go a step further and experiment with concepts like the four-day work week, to give your employees the potential of longer, more rejuvenating weekends. One great way to show empathy and flexibility at the same time is to ask your candidates about their specific needs during the interview process.

4. Demonstrate Opportunities for Growth

Today’s ServiceNow professionals want to know there’s a future in any company they’re going to be working for. According to Gallup, 59% of millennials prioritise opportunities to learn and grow when deciding which jobs to apply for. 

Making sure your candidates are aware of the opportunities they’ll have to grow in your business will make your job offer more compelling. You can discuss the promotion paths you’ve offered in the past with your candidates during the interview, and outline the training and educational opportunities offered within your job description.

You might even let your possible hires know about the onboarding process you’ll use to welcome them into your organisation, during which you can both work together to outline a path for progression through the company. 

It’s also helpful to share information about the development opportunities you offer online. Videos and written testimonials from employees who have achieved their personal and professional goals with your business can make a huge impact. 

5. Work with a Specialist Recruiter

Finally, if you really want to ensure your job offers make the right impact, it’s worth investing in some specialist support. A ServiceNow recruitment agency knows exactly what it takes to align the right candidates with the correct employers from day one. They can help you to seek out people who are actively looking for the benefits, and culture you offer. 

Recruiters can save you time by sorting through your job applications and eliminating anyone who might not fit well with your company. They can also provide advice on how you can position yourself to your candidates when you’re writing job descriptions and conducting interviews. 

With a specialist recruiter, you can boost your chances of a “yes” when you need it most by building a pipeline of ServiceNow candidates, all carefully chosen to match your business needs. Working with the right team will reduce the stress associated with building the ideal team. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies with delivering permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners across the UK. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forwards.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Top tips for Moving into your first ServiceNow Management Position

Top tips for Moving into your first ServiceNow Management Position Linking Humans

All great ServiceNow careers need to start somewhere. For most employees, the path to progression begins with an entry-level position. Over time, as you develop your skills and knowledge, you can apply for promotions and higher-paid roles. 

After a while in the ServiceNow industry, you may feel you have the leadership skills, knowledge, and expertise to thrive in a managerial role. A position as a manager can be an excellent way to increase your earning potential, showcase your knowledge, and unlock greater job satisfaction.

However, figuring out how to move into your first management position can be challenging.

Here are some of the top tips you can use to improve your chances of a new leader-level job.

Step 1: Excel in Your Current Role and Do Your Research

To achieve any promotion in the ServiceNow landscape, you first need to show your manager how great you are at what you do. Managers need significant expertise and experience in the field they’re going to be supervising. Showing your leaders, you’re a capable, and accomplished member of the team will make them more likely to see your potential as a manager. 

While you’re working on demonstrating your value in your current position, it’s worth doing some research. Find out what kind of skills the current managers in your company have, and determine whether there are any gaps you’ll need to fill in your own abilities. 

It can also be helpful to look at how your company handles internal movement and promotions. Are there certain times of year when your employers make decisions about who should be moved into leadership roles? Finding out in advance will help you to decide when to approach your employer about any management opportunities.

Step 2: Develop Your Managerial Skills

There’s more to thriving in a managerial position than being an expert in the ServiceNow industry. There’s a good chance you’ll need to develop some crucial new skills to prove you can succeed in a managerial role. 

The research you’ve done into the other managers in your company should help you to determine which talents matter most to your business. However, some of the most common managerial skills you may need to develop include:

  • Leadership skills: Learn how to motivate, inspire, and engage other employees by taking on the leader position in group tasks and volunteering for opportunities to take charge. 
  • Decision making skills: You’ll need to be able to effectively analyse situations and respond to different scenarios with confidence. 
  • Organisational skills: Demonstrate your organisational skills by ensuring you always meet with deadlines, and deliver punctual work.
  • Interpersonal skills: Work on your emotional intelligence and communicate regularly with leaders and other colleagues in your ServiceNow business. 
  • Problem-solving skills: Show your ability to respond creatively to problems by suggesting solutions to issues in team meetings.

It’s also helpful to invest in your continued ServiceNow education. Earning new certifications and accreditation will demonstrate your expertise in your industry, and help to differentiate you as a potential leader. 

Step 3: Show Initiative

Often, proving you’re ready for a management job means making sure you take advantage of every opportunity to showcase your expertise and abilities. This means you’re going to need to take initiative if you want to stand out. 

Volunteer for tasks a manager might normally do, like taking charge of a team project, or helping your boss with a challenge most people would rather avoid. Rather than waiting for your supervisors to offer you training and development opportunities, seek out your own educational strategies to develop the skills you know are crucial to your company. 

You can even demonstrate your leadership capabilities outside of your current role, by taking on leadership positions in non-profit organisations, and sharing your volunteering experiences with your company leaders. 

Step 4: Ask for the Position

Once you’ve had a chance to demonstrate your abilities, build your skillsets and connect with the supervisors in your workplace, it’s time to ask for your new role. Arrange a time to meet with your boss face-to-face or over video so you can discuss your career progression opportunities. 

During this meeting, you’ll need to be prepared to explain why you’re ready for this new challenge, and provide as much evidence as possible. Highlighting your recent accomplishments, and drawing attention to the managerial skills you’ve developed will be useful here. If possible, it’s always a good idea to have relationships with other ServiceNow managers in your team who can vouch for you.

If your employer doesn’t think you’re ready for a manager role yet, or there isn’t a space available for you to move into, ask what the next step is. Work with your boss to figure out what you need to do to transition into your ideal role.

Step 5: Be Prepared to Switch Companies

Finally, if you’re committed to becoming a manager, it’s important to be flexible. The reality is, even if you do all the work and prove yourself to your existing employer, there may not be a leadership opportunity available in your current company. 

Unless your boss is looking for a manager to fill a role after another team member has left, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to find the budget to create a new position just for you. With this in mind, you may need to look elsewhere for your management job. 

Work with a ServiceNow recruitment agency to track down positions relevant to your expertise and experience. Your recruitment team will be able to help you find a new job that not only offers you the manager responsibilities you want, but the company culture and benefits you need too. 

Linking Humans partners with organisations from all over the world looking for talented individuals to meet their ServiceNow-related needs. Whether you’re a ServiceNow Developer, Project Manager, or Architect, or you have other specialist skills related to ServiceNow, we’ll get you into your perfect role quickly and efficiently.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here. Together, we can find your dream ServiceNow role.

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ServiceNow Employer Branding In A Post-Pandemic World

ServiceNow Employer Branding In A Post-Pandemic World Linking Humans

If you haven’t been giving much thought to your employer branding recently, then now is the time to start.

All businesses have an employer brand, whether they actively work on it or not.

Your employer brand is the way the world sees you. From your products and services, your mission, your vision, your ethos and your team. Yes, there is a lot to consider!

The question is – how should your ServiceNow employer brand be positioning your company in our post-pandemic world?

The ServiceNow sector has changed. It is more crucial than ever that your employer brand is positioning you above your competitors.

In today’s blog, we look at the crucial elements of ServiceNow employer branding in our post-pandemic world.

What is Employer Branding?

Your employer brand is your talent attraction magnet. It is the beacon to the potential pool of candidates to be drawn on that want to work for your company.

It is also the way your customers view your business. The reason people interact with your organisation and the way the wider world views your company.

But for the purpose of today’s article, we’re going to be focusing on employer brand in terms of talent attraction.

And specifically, employer branding in our post-pandemic world.

What worked pre-pandemic will not necessarily work now. The best talent is looking for certain things from your post-pandemic ServiceNow employer brand. So let’s look at what they are.

A Considerate Brand

The pandemic has brought down barriers in ways that we could never have expected.

Now more than ever what people are looking for from the organisations they interact with, and specifically the organisations they want to work for, is that they have a personal, considerate approach to being an employer.

People are now looking for reassurance and support wherever they turn – from their friends, their family, and especially their employer.

Transparency is key here too. If you have had to make redundancies in certain areas, but senior management have received bonuses, how will this look to candidates who are researching your brand?

It can be tricky getting the balance here right, but everyone is aware of how tough things have been during the pandemic. Being honest and transparent about the decisions your business has made is key. Candidates are increasingly turning away from brands that are seen to be dishonest about their practices.

A Focus on Health and Wellbeing

A big focus for candidates that you must consider in your post-pandemic employer brand is how much of a focus you now have on health and wellbeing.

Wellbeing and particularly mental health have been gaining traction in the employment world for some time. But the pandemic has skyrocketed their importance.

Your post-pandemic employer brand needs to ensure candidates that you are treating the health and wellbeing of your workforce with the utmost importance.

This includes-

  • Prioritising clarity and caution – the virus hasn’t gone away yet, and brands who maintain an excellent focus on physically protecting their employees with excellent Covid-19 procedures will be viewed by candidates favourably.
  • Offer flexible working (where possible) – allowing employees to work from home, and being flexible on the matter is what the best ServiceNow candidates will be looking for.
  • Offering real help to support employee health and wellbeing – do you encourage physical health in your employees by providing fresh fruit in the workplace (where it is safely possible) or cycle to work schemes and gym memberships? Do you champion mental wellbeing and strive to be a compassionate employer – if so, will candidates know this from looking at your website or social media?

Showing that you are dedicated to health and wellbeing is not about bragging about it on social media – it’s about demonstrating your values in a way that’s easy for candidates to find and communicates your wellbeing offering in an honest and transparent way.

A Communicative Brand

Communication was the one thing that kept us together during the pandemic. The way you continue to communicate with candidates during the ongoing crisis and afterwards, will be a significant part of your employer brand going forwards.

Your social media channels are the first port of call for candidates to contact you, and your followers (which will include potential future candidates) are still the number one place to maintain your employer brand.

But some ServiceNow organisations stepped away from posting anything on social media during the pandemic. Some thought it insensitive; others simply didn’t know what to post during the highly changeable time.

But posting online to maintain your employer brand doesn’t always have to be about self-promotion.

There are many different types of content you can share on your social channels to alert candidates to what type of employer you are, and what your company is focusing on in our post-pandemic world.

This can include:

  • ServiceNow news and industry updates
  • Helpful articles which could be of interest to ServiceNow employees and candidates including think pieces either from your own company or from a ServiceNow thought-leader
  • Updates about your company – have you launched new products or services? Have you celebrated a milestone recently? Moved office? People love to see ‘human’ updates from real people about real people (your team).
  • And of course – your latest job vacancies.

Giving Candidates a Sense of Purpose

Finally, a sense of purpose is another major factor that great ServiceNow candidates are now looking for in their post-pandemic employers.

Meaningful work is increasingly what millennials are looking for. This section of workers now makes up the largest part of the worldwide workforce.

The Deloitte 2020 talent survey states that employers should provide meaningful work or they will struggle to attract and retain their workforce.

What is it about your company that makes your employees feel as though they are making a positive difference to the world?


If you are looking for new talent for your ServiceNow organisation and are struggling to find the ‘right’ candidates – we can help.

Get in touch with us on 02381 542542. We will help you find the talent that you have been looking for.

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Building An Effective Talent Pipeline For Your ServiceNow Organisation

In our post-Covid world, having a strong ServiceNow talent pipeline is more crucial than ever.

And the skills shortage that was present in almost every industry pre-Covid is still threatening organisational growth.

When you’re recruiting, it’s not about the number of people you can attract to your ServiceNow organisation; it’s about the quality of these candidates.

Even with the perceived increase of candidates in the post-Covid job market, there are still skills shortages across most industries. In the U.K., the Prime Minister addressed how the pandemic has highlighted skills shortages in many sectors, emphasising an urgent need for a focus on improving skills to protect the economy.

Depending on the ServiceNow  role you are trying to fill, recruitment can be a lengthy and involved process.

One of the most effective ways to ensure you can quickly fill the critical gaps in your team is to have people ready to step into your organisation at the earliest available opportunity. In other words, your talent pipeline.

This blog explains the whys and how’s of building a robust ServiceNow talent pipeline.

The Benefits of Strong Talent Pipeline in the ServiceNow Sector

Despite the pandemic, skills gaps are widening across all sectors; in fact, the pandemic has brought to light just how crucial the skills gaps are in many industries.

2020 LinkedIn Workplace Learning report found that globally, 51% of companies plan to implement an upskilling programme, with 47% focusing on re-skilling, highlighting the need for increased talent in a post-Covid world.

In developing a strong talent pipeline, the aim is to avoid the scenario where you have critical skills gaps and no-one lined up to fill them.

Many organisations think of recruiting only when they actively have a vacant position. A talent pipeline is a way of thinking about your team, and recruitment, in a more holistic way. You will always have an active and engaged audience. Also, the idea of working for your company is something that is always on their radar.

Let’s look at some of the main positives of building your talent pipeline now.

1. Identify More Candidates

When a vacancy arises in your team, wouldn’t it be ideal to already have someone in mind to take over the role?

This is where a talent pipeline comes in; it reduces the fear of having a critical vacancy open. As you have a range of potential ServiceNow candidates set up to open a dialogue with.

Your talent pipeline will speak to the 70% of candidates who aren’t actively looking for a job, the ‘passive candidates’ market. Organisations without talent pipelines are missing out on this significant portion of the workforce.

You can start to bring candidates into your talent pipeline at different stages in their careers, starting with graduates up to exec level.

When you have a talent pipeline you can rely on, you have a range of candidates ready to be invited for an interview. Rather than starting the recruitment process from scratch.

The good news is here at Linking Humans we provide this as part of our package of services. If you want to find out more call us on; 02381 542542.

2. Reduce the Time to Hire

I’m sure you’ll agree that in our post-Covid world, the thought of having critical vacancies in your team is an unpleasant one.

This year, teams have been stretched to breaking point, with many taking on extra roles, having to adapt to working from home and generally being busier than ever before.

To keep your entire team working cohesively, you need to know that any critical vacancies will be quickly filled, instead of being left unfilled, damaging team output and reducing morale.

3. Increase Your Offer Acceptance Rates

One of the most frustrating things that can happen in the recruitment process is when you think you’ve found the ideal ServiceNow candidates, but then they turn down your job offer.

The more people you have in your talent pipeline, the more they will get to know your organisation, and this relationship is what pushes great candidates over the line to say yes to your job offer.

As you can see, there are many benefits to creating a talent pipeline to make your recruiting process much easier.

Next, let’s look at how to build and develop your talent pipeline.

How to Build Your ServiceNow Talent Pipeline

Creating a talent pipeline means proactively forming long-lasting relationships with candidates who would be the right ‘fit’ with your organisation. Both in their skill set and their culture and values.

So, how do you do this?

1. Defining What Your Organisation Needs

The following are questions to ask when thinking about what you want from your talent pipeline –

  • Who are your key employees and in what roles?
  • What skills are most critical to your organisation?
  • Where do you want to take your business in the next 3-5 years?
  • What type of people will you need in your business for it to grow?

Drawing on your experiences with Covid can help here too. When your business was in ‘critical survival mode’ like many were during the height of the pandemic, did this highlight any areas where you were missing in vital skills?

2. Attracting the ‘Right’ Talent

Attracting the right candidates to your organisation is the critical part of building your talent pipeline.

Building a talent pipeline focuses on attracting both passive and active candidates. Rather than a recruitment process which focuses solely on filling a current vacancy.

Having an excellent employer brand will be essential in attracting the type of talent you want. Any prospective talent that comes into contact with you will be forming an opinion as to whether they would like to join your company, whether they’re an active or a passive candidate.

The following are the most direct ways to build your ServiceNow talent pipeline –

  • Networking events – getting your name out in your industry is crucial in building a following.
  • Working with a ServiceNow recruitment specialist.
  • Your social media channels – are you regularly posting engaging content for your ServiceNow candidates?
  • Existing contacts and referrals – do you have a robust referral scheme in place? How often do you review and reconnect with former colleagues or managers?
  • Graduate campaigns – getting to know the new generation of talent coming through the ranks is an excellent way to build your talent pipeline.

3. Reviewing Your Application Process

A poor recruitment process is enough to put even the most interested candidates off.

Making your recruitment as seamless, engaging and professional as possible will leave even candidates who are not successful in applying for your roles, want to do so again in future.

Make sure your recruitment process is mobile-friendly; 58% of active job seekers use their smart device to search for jobs. But with many sites still not being mobile-friendly, mobile seekers complete 53% fewer applications and take 80% longer to complete each application than applicants using desktops.

A mobile-friendly application process increases the number of applicants to each role by 11.6%.

Write easy to read job descriptions with clear information; stay away from jargon.

Make sure you have the recruitment process planned out step by step. This is so applicants can be informed of the exact date by when they will be progressed to the next stage or not.

Important: Always stay in touch with candidates via email or phone throughout the entire recruitment process.

Start Building your ServiceNow Talent Pipeline

With a network of engaged potential candidates ready to join your business, you’ll ensure that you always have potential on-hand to fill essential roles.

So, now you have the premise of building your talent pipeline, it’s time to get started.

Remember that you don’t have to go it alone. Working with a dedicated ServiceNow recruiter is a great way to work on building your talent pipeline.

For more information on how we can help you build your talent pipeline, get in touch with us on 02381 542542 or email us here info@linkinghumans.com

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The Ultimate Guide To Productivity In The ServiceNow Workplace

Productivity is one of the most important ingredients in a successful ServiceNow business. However, achieving and preserving productivity isn’t always easy.

While some teams in your workforce may consistently achieve their targets and maintain high levels of motivation, others might struggle to access the same level of focus. Fortunately, productivity is something your team can cultivate and optimise over time, like many professional skills. Even as workplace dynamics shift and teams evolve, the following productivity strategies should ensure that ServiceNow employees can accomplish their goals.

Encourage Teams to Prioritise One Task at a Time

Employees in the ServiceNow  landscape can often feel like they’re constantly jumping between different tasks, trying to keep on top of an ever-increasing task list.

When your to-do list seems to be expanding, it’s tempting to try and tackle multiple things at once.

Unfortunately, studies show multitasking harms productivity, making it harder to give complete attention to any given task. What’s more, multitasking could increase the risk of employees making mistakes because they’re not focusing fully on one thing at a time.

Encourage your team to organise their schedules by focusing on one task at a time. Project management tools can allow team members to check off each task they complete as they work on them. This helps to create a sense of accomplishment, and builds motivation.

Allow Teams to Design Their Schedules

While certain tasks in a ServiceNow role will have specific deadlines that need to be considered. You may find it’s helpful to provide your teams with more autonomy over how they organise their day.

Provided the most important tasks are completed on time, you can allow your employees to arrange their to-do lists in the format that makes the most sense for them.

Some ServiceNow team members will find it easier to tackle the most challenging tasks first. This “eating the frog” method takes advantage of the focus that some employees have when they first arrive at work.

Overcoming a challenge early on in the day can also create motivation to push staff through the rest of the day.

Other employees will prefer to start their day with less complex tasks and work up to the bigger challenges when they feel the most focused. In a world of diverse employees, allowing everyone to choose their strategy can lead to better outcomes.

Train Staff to Solve Problems

Autonomy and independence in the workplace can significantly improve productivity levels. When team members feel empowered to make their own decisions and solve problems independently, they spend less time waiting for approval and guidance from others.

Giving your ServiceNow employees training on how to fix common technical issues or overcome problems they might be facing with their workflows could help boost their efficiency levels.

Offering training to your team members ensures they have the knowledge, guidance, and insight required to keep working as productively as possible in any environment.

A strong set of training opportunities can also lead to huge benefits for your team. One study from the Huffington Post found companies offering comprehensive training achieved 24% higher profit margins.

Some areas to focus on with your training tactics include:

  • Troubleshooting common technical issues
  • Communicating with colleagues
  • Time management

Make Time for Breaks

While it’s tempting to assume more time spent on tasks means higher productivity levels, the brain can only focus on something for so long. Every so often, we all need to take breaks to refresh our minds, so make sure your team members are scheduling breaks into their day.

The Pomodoro Technique can be an excellent strategy to teach employees who need help with time management and taking breaks. The technique involves working for 25 minutes and taking a break at the end of each working period.

Companies in the ServiceNow space can also encourage their team members to segment their days into chunks. With small breaks after each segment, so they can get ready to focus on a new task.

Remember, breaks aren’t just good for productivity; they’re also crucial to ensuring the wellbeing of employees. Breaks can help reduce stress, ensure employees find opportunities to move, and take time away from screens.

Provide the Right Equipment

Employees in any industry can only do their best work when they have access to the right tools. Providing the right resources and equipment to staff members wherever they may be working from is crucial to ensuring high productivity levels.

Think about the essential systems your ServiceNow employees use every day. What kind of hardware, networking tools, and infrastructure will they need to remain productive? Are there any specialist software tools necessary to help your teams achieve their goals?

Providing the right training, so your employees know how to use all of the tools correctly should ensure your staff can leverage resources as effectively as possible.

At the same time, it’s helpful to speak to your employees regularly and ask them if there are any additional tools or resources they feel they could benefit from.

Ensure Teams Know How to Build a Productive Environment

Finally, as the workplace continues to evolve, it’s important that team members know how to create an environment suitable for productivity, wherever they are. According to Forbes, around 70% of the workforce could be working remotely by 2025. This means your team members may need to learn how to create the perfect workspace at home.

Guide your employees to minimise distractions by turning off notifications on ServiceNow apps and smartphones when they need to focus. You can also offer advice on choosing the right room to work from when operating remotely or reducing noise exposure.

For in-office employees, getting feedback on how to make the business space more conducive to productivity may also be helpful. Ask your teams whether they’d prefer a more open office environment or more private rooms for focus work.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies with delivering permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners across the UK. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forwards. If you want to find out how we can help, call us on 02381 542 542.

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Getting The Best From Your ServiceNow Recruitment Partner

Recruitment for ServiceNow is becoming increasingly complex. Talented professionals have more opportunities available to them than ever before, particularly as remote working continues to thrive. At the same time, the “Great Resignation” is placing brands under increasing pressure. With more gaps to fill and more demands from potential candidates.

The only way to survive and thrive in this new world is to access the proper support. A ServiceNow recruitment partner provides guidance and expertise to ensure you can unlock hiring opportunities other organisations can’t access.

However, while an excellent recruitment company has a lot of incredible value to offer, it’s up to you to get the most from your partnership. Here’s how you can make sure you’re achieving the best results from your recruitment partner.

Build an Effective Employer Brand

Around 86% of job seekers read reviews and company ratings before deciding where to apply for a job. Increasingly, listing roles in the ServiceNow environment means business leaders need to highlight what makes their company compelling.

What can you offer your would-be employees that other companies can’t? For instance, maybe you constantly provide training opportunities to team members to expand their skills. Or maybe you give employees a great benefits package. Perhaps you can give your employees a chance to plan their own work.

With your recruitment provider, look at the assets you already have to showcase your employer brand. Are you making the most of your website to share employee stories? Do your staff have a voice on social media to praise your company? How vocal are people about their experience working with your brand on review sites?

Working on your employer brand with your ServiceNow recruitment partner will make it easier for them to sell your role to potential candidates.

Make Sure Your Offer is Appropriate

Logically you want to attract the best possible talent in a skills-short ServiceNow environment. In that case, you’ll need to ensure you’re offering the kind of salary and benefits appropriate for the candidate you need. Start by researching the average salary for the person you want to hire.

If you’re unsure what the best package is for a specific role right now, you can talk to your recruitment partner for more insights. They will give you an overview of the kind of income your ideal candidate would expect.

Don’t forget that salary isn’t the only thing your applicants will look for. You can attract more people to your role and help your recruiter generate more excitement for your position by providing the right benefits.

Look at things like increased holidays and flexible working strategies for your candidates. The ability to work remotely or in a hybrid environment is an attractive benefit for many candidates today. Many employees would even take a lower salary if it meant they could work remotely.

Update Your Hiring Process

The ServiceNow recruitment landscape is evolving at an incredible pace lately. The pandemic and the changing requirements of candidates means job seekers are moving in and out of positions faster than ever. If you’re still using an old-fashioned recruitment process, you may not be moving fast enough for your ideal employee.

These days, candidates have a lot of offers available to them, both from remote and local companies. If you’re not quick to keep them up-to-date on what’s happening with your hiring process, you could miss out on an excellent opportunity.

To ensure you don’t lose your ideal ServiceNow candidate, make sure you:

  • Speed up the interview process using video interviews. Video is a great way to get through several interviews quickly, without asking your candidates to travel.
  • Make decisions quickly: Use guidelines and competency-based interviews to help pinpoint the ideal candidates as quickly as possible.
  • Communicate: Keep your candidates informed about their place in the interview process and when they can expect a response.

Set Up a Talent Pipeline Together

The best way to get the most out of your ServiceNow recruitment partner is to consider the different services they can offer. Consider a more long-term approach. Rather than just turning to your recruiter when you desperately need to fill a gap in your team.

Building a talent pipeline with your recruitment team can be an excellent way to ensure you have contact details for potential employees when you need extra skills within your workforce. Your recruiter can work with you to constantly look for new people. This is so you can add to your community and can even help to improve your reputation among those candidates.

Many ServiceNow recruiters like ourselves offer a exclusive search service. We can map out the talent market for specific roles as requested by you. If you want to know more, contact us here. https://linkinghumans.com/contact-2/

With a talent pipeline, you’re less likely to have to manage a long and complex hiring process when new staff is needed.

Stay Flexible

Finally, if you want to make the most of your ServiceNow recruitment partner, it’s essential to take advantage of the full breadth of access they have to talent in your industry. DE&I initiatives are more important than ever when it comes to not only improving your company’s performance but keeping your team members happy.

Taking a diverse approach to hiring and recruitment ensures you can access talent from different environments. Resulting in you getting the absolute best from your team. At the same time, it means you can explore a broader range of potential employees.

While it’s okay to provide your ServiceNow hiring partner with a list of crucial skills and specific characteristics you’re going to want in your new role, stay open-minded.

Looking at potential applicants from various environments will make it easier to ensure you get the right person for the role. Don’t let bias get in the way of great hiring.

If you are looking for a ServiceNow recruitment partner who delivers permanent and freelance technology experts,  please get in contact here https://linkinghumans.com/contact-2/ . We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forwards, so lets get to work!

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