
How to Increase Staff Retention in Your ServiceNow Organisation

How to Increase Staff Retention in Your ServiceNow Organisation Linking Humans

As we navigate the evolving landscape of work, your employee retention strategy must be stronger than ever.

Hiring for replacement team members is not something any ServiceNow organisation wants to be doing right now, so an excellent employee retention strategy is essential.

The following 8 strategies will help.

  • Discover Who You’re Overlooking

To ensure you are providing excellent leadership for your entire team and making them feel valued, first, you must find out if you are overlooking anyone in your team.

ServiceNow teams will naturally include individuals with all manner of skills, experience and personality types.

But in most ServiceNow teams, there will also be team members who shine brighter than others – extroverts tend to get noticed more than introverts, some team members are more likely to speak up if they have a problem whereas others will try to work through challenges on their own.

As a leader, it is essential that everyone is getting the right amount of support that they need and that you are not overlooking anyone.

ServiceNow leaders will naturally look to middle managers and other higher-profile employees, but to be a great leader, you must ensure the highest level of employee retention – remember that every team member must feel valued and supported.

  • Create Unlimited Opportunities for Growth

According to a recent LinkedIn Workforce Learning Report, 93% of employees would stay longer with their employer if they invested more in developing their careers.

Many ServiceNow employers will get to the point where they have a great team in place and think that their job is ‘done’. 

However continual training and development is a key part of every employee retention strategy, and we find that talented candidates who look for new ServiceNow roles often cite a desire to develop themselves and their career further as a reason for leaving.

No one wants to be stuck in a role where they feel as though progression is an unlikely possibility.

So invest in training and development for your team – it can be anything from personal development training to allowing them time to learn new ServiceNow skills.

  • Demonstrate Excellent Values and Ethics

The most desirable ServiceNow employees are looking for employers with impressive values and ethics.

We are all thinking much more about what is really important to us, and working for a company they believe in is high on every ServiceNow employee’s list of priorities.  

ServiceNow employees are more empowered than ever, with social media and online review culture creating an environment where the need to be honest and transparent is more crucial than ever.

How active is your company at demonstrating your values and ethics? Do you champion diversity and inclusion? Are you financially transparent?

Fail to demonstrate excellent values, and you risk losing your employees to a more ethical company.

  • Give Employees a Purpose

It is not enough to give employees a fair remuneration package – employees are increasingly looking for a greater sense of purpose in their work. 

The best way to find out if your employees feel a sense of meaning and purpose in their work is to talk to them.

Ask them what is important to them in their roles, and make any alterations you can to help them feel a greater sense of purpose. This could involve introducing tools to make their jobs easier, and thus, more valued, or working together to improve your products or services to give greater customer satisfaction. 

And create a mission statement which helps employees to understand how their work positively impacts the world. 

  • Enhance Your Employer Brand 

Your employer brand is the thread that links employees to the organisation – all employees want to work for a company with which they feel aligned.

Look closely at what your competitors are doing – if you slip in terms of promoting and maintaining an excellent employer brand, this allows employees to look elsewhere and be tempted to leave to work for a brand with a better reputation and culture.

Your digital footprint is key to creating a strong employer brand which your employees will feel proud to be a part of.

Think about what you post and how often. ServiceNow employees like to see that their employer is actively engaged in current ServiceNow topics, is invested in the wellbeing of the team and is a transparent and communicative employer.

Get your employees involved in team-strengthening events, and use your social media to champion your current employees – celebrate birthdays, life events and little wins within the organisation. 

And finally, let’s look at how a great recruitment strategy is always essential when it comes to employee retention.  

  • Get Your Recruitment Strategy Right 

Employee retention all starts with your recruitment process.

When you start your ServiceNow employees off on the right foot with an excellent recruitment and onboarding process, this sets the tone for a mutually beneficial employer-employee relationship.

Onboarding is part of the recruitment process, and yet many ServiceNow employers believe that recruitment stops the moment the candidate accepts the job offer. 

Invest in your recruitment and onboarding process, and you will start to see a higher rate of employee retention. 


A certain amount of staff turnover is unavoidable.

But follow the steps in this guide to improve unnecessary employee turnover in your ServiceNow organisation. 

It’s never easy to lose a great employee, but when you work with a specialist ServiceNow recruiter, they can help you create the right recruitment and onboarding process to ensure your retention rates remain high, increasing employee engagement and lowering your overall costs of recruitment. 


To find out how we can help you find your next ServiceNow talent, get in touch with us at +44 (0) 2381 542542 or email us here.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request Call back’’ at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Updating your ServiceNow hiring strategy for 2024

Updating your ServiceNow hiring strategy for 2024 Linking Humans

2024 is going to be a busy year for growing ServiceNow teams, so here are 5 ways you can get your hiring strategies in order. 

Though some of the challenges of hiring in the last couple of years are beginning to diminish, the ServiceNow sector is still a skills-short market. Trends like the “Great Resignation” and an increasing demand for global, remote work are leading to massive turnover for all kinds of companies.

Since your ServiceNow practice can’t thrive without the right employees, it makes sense for every business leader to think about how they can improve their hiring strategy in this new landscape.

Ensuring you have the right plan in place can help you attract the most sought-after talent, improve your chances of employee retention, and strengthen your employer brand.

Here are some of the hiring strategies generating powerful results for ServiceNow companies.


1. What do ServiceNow candidates want?

The first step in ensuring you can successfully hire and retain ServiceNow resources is knowing what your candidates really want from their employer. In the last couple of years, the evolving workplace has led to the development of new priorities for many staff members.

Today’s employees still want to get the salary they deserve, but they also want:

  • Empathy: A focus on respect, empathy, diversity, and inclusion will be crucial to attracting candidates in any environment. Showcasing your empathetic side will help you to attract employees who share the same values as your business.
  • Flexibility: Today’s employees want more flexible roles. With the rise of cloud technology, most ServiceNow jobs can be more hybrid, remote, or flexible than they once were. Some companies are even exploring concepts like the 4-day work week.
  • Development: Your employees want to see a future with your company, and a path for them to improve and enhance their skills. Have meetings with your team members to identify their current and long-term goals, and how you can help them reach them.


2. Should I use a  Specialist ServiceNow Recruiter?

Recruiters are one of the most valuable tools you’ll have in your hiring strategy, particularly when they specialise in the ServiceNow industry. An experienced ServiceNow recruiter will be able to help you identify the most important things your candidates are looking for when you’re writing your job descriptions and interviewing potential employees. 

Recruiters can also save you significant time in collecting applications from a diverse range of backgrounds. Their existing presence in the industry means they already have access to various environments where they can find people to fill your talent pipeline.

With a recruiter, you’ll also have access to support and guidance to help you with everything from improving the interview experience, to making your job listings more impactful.

Just remember, to get the most out of your recruiter, you’ll need to walk the line between clarity and flexibility. It’s important to be clear about the things you really want from your candidate, but don’t get lost in the search for the perfect unicorn employee. 

3. Does my Employer Brand Stand out?

In today’s digital world, employers have endless opportunities to learn more about their potential candidates by looking at their social media profiles and personal brand. However, it’s worth remembering your candidates also have the same opportunity to evaluate you.

Before considering whether to accept a job offer or even send in an application, most of today’s candidates will research your brand. It’s important to make sure your offer and E.V.P. (Employer Value Proposition) stand out. 

Start by assessing your current employer brand, and what you communicate to potential staff members. Are you active on social media, constantly sharing valuable information about your company culture and the growth of your team members? Do your employees talk positively about you on social channels and review sites?

Next, consider your job offer and how it compares to roles available from your competition. Are you delivering the same level of flexibility for your new candidates? What can you provide that your team members can’t get elsewhere? Remember, organisations that implement a successful employer brand cut their cost-per-hire in half! 

Your ServiceNow recruitment professional will be able to help you with cultivating the right employer brand.

4. Upgrading the Candidate Journey

In today’s changing landscape, employers need to make sure every stage of the candidate journey is as convenient and engaging as possible to avoid losing the attention of top talent. With the help of your ServiceNow recruitment agency, look at every touchpoint you’ll have with your candidates, and how you can update them to suit the current trends.

For instance, are you posting your job listings on social media, so they’re easy to find, and making sure it’s easy for your candidates to learn more about the role on your website? When candidates apply for a role, how will you interview them?

Video and remote interview processes are becoming increasingly common, particularly for remote and hybrid roles. You may also need to think about:

  • Following up with candidates: How will you keep your candidate engaged by following up and providing insights into their progress?
  • Onboarding: How will you onboard your team members when you decide who to hire, and how can you make them feel like part of the team as quickly as possible?
  • Diversity: How will you ensure you’re making hiring decisions without bias, and you’re respecting the concept of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

5. Planning a Comprehensive Recruitment Strategy

Finally, it’s worth remembering that being prepared will save you a lot of time, effort, and money in today’s skills-short market. Rather than just rushing to fill gaps in your ServiceNow team when someone leaves your workforce, it’s worth thinking about your long-term talent strategy.

Work with your recruiter to build a talent pipeline, filled with diverse professionals from different environments, who can add something valuable to your team. When creating this pipeline, don’t just think about the skills you need now, but the expertise you may need in the future.

A good talent pipeline will mean you always have somewhere to turn to access crucial talent when your company needs it most. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies with delivering permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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