
How to create an ATS Friendly CV?

How to create an ATS Friendly CV? Linking Humans

How to create an ATS Friendly CV?

The first step in being recruited into a ServiceNow role is getting your customised CV before a hiring manager or recruiter. Unfortunately, this process isn’t always as simple as it seems.

As ServiceNow companies look for ways to simplify and digitise the hiring process, many are turning to technology for help. A.T.S. systems, or Applicant Tracking Systems, can help recruitment agencies and teams sort through the applications for each role. Unfortunately, 70% of job applications fail to pass the A.T.S. test. 

While an A.T.S. system can save a company a lot of time searching for the right talent, there are endless ways the technology can trip ServiceNow candidates up. 

Here are some of the best strategies to make your CV/resume A.T.S. friendly.

1. Choose the Right CV format

Formatting is one of the most important factors in ensuring your CV is ATS-friendly. Your information needs to be well-organised and easy for the technology to scan through. 

Reverse chronological is the most commonly recommended formatting option for most C.V.s. This is the go-to for most ServiceNow recruiters, as it places the most important information (your ServiceNow work experience) at the top of the page. 

Reverse chronological formatting also ensures the most relevant and recent information appears on your CV before anything else. 

2. Find the Right File Type

The file type is the document you use to send your CV to a ServiceNow or recruitment company. When applying for a role, you might see requests for specific file types on the job description. Usually, the versatile option is the PDF, as it can be read by most A.T.S. software.

PDF files are excellent for maintaining the formatting and design of your CV/resume. However, some older applicant tracking models cannot read PDFs. In this case, your would-be employer might ask you to submit a .doc file. 

Make sure you read the instructions carefully to ensure you’re using the right file type.

3. Use a Simple Layout

Simplicity is often important for any CV, particularly in the ServiceNow environment, where business hiring managers and recruiters spend hours going through hundreds or even thousands of applications. 

A simple CV layout will be easy to read, with bulleted lists highlighting your achievements. 

Avoid using complex graphics or extra formatting to make your CV look more impressive. Fancy templates can be scrambled by the A.T.S. technology, which may make your CV harder to read and even get your application thrown out by the system.

There are special A.T.S. templates available online if you’re stuck. 

4. Use Keywords

Excellent CVs/resumes and cover letters for any ServiceNow role should be tailored to suit the position’s specific requirements. Ensure you look for important keywords listed in the job description that the A.T.S. software might be looking for in your application. 

For instance, skills related to a specific role are often one of the first things your A.T.S. will look for. If you need a certain certification or degree to be suitable for a certain role, include those words on your CV. 

It’s also worth using plenty of action words in your resume because this helps to highlight things you’ve accomplished. Try terms like “created” or “solved”. 

Don’t just throw keywords in at random, though; remember to ensure the terms you use make sense in the context of the application. Remember: A human will still read your CV after the A.T.S.

5. Don’t Apply for Too Many Roles At Once

A.T.S. tools are designed to find the best possible person for each role. With that in mind, it’s worth thinking carefully about whether you’re the right individual for the position you’re applying for. If you don’t have any of the skills the company is asking for in a job description, you’re not going to pass the A.T.S. test. 

Similarly, applying for multiple jobs with the same company could lead to the technology labelling your application as spam. 

Even if you get through to the human review stage with one or two applications, sending too many job applications to the same ServiceNow company can make you look like you’re desperate for any role rather than applying for the right position.

6. Don’t Game the System

As A.T.S. systems become increasingly popular worldwide, there has been an increase in people attempting to “game the system” or find ways to outsmart the technology. 

Although you might be able to find a handful of articles and guides telling you how to improve your chances of getting through any screening process, tricking the system won’t work long-term. 

Even if you did manage to convince the A.T.S. to send your application to the next level by copy-pasting keywords from the job description into your CV, this wouldn’t get you anywhere when a human reviewed your application.

7. Don’t Just Design for Robots

Finally, it’s easy to get caught up with the complexity of keeping track of everything you need to do to make your CV technology-friendly. In some cases, you might get so focused on designing for the A.T.S. that you forget about the importance of designing for people.

Ultimately, the A.T.S. is just the first stage of the filtering process for applicants in most hiring and recruitment strategies. This means while you need to make your CV easy enough for the robots to leverage and read, you also need to ensure it’s suitable for humans.

Read through everything when you’re done editing and make sure the content still flows naturally through the page. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request Call back’’ at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Interviewing Techniques for ServiceNow Hiring Managers

Interviewing Techniques for ServiceNow Hiring Managers Linking Humans

Here are some of the top strategies to follow as a ServiceNow hiring manager if you’re concerned you might not be getting the most out of your candidates in interviews.

When most ServiceNow professionals think about the complexity of interviewing, they focus on the challenges facing the person being interviewed. However, the hiring manager hosting the interview has hurdles to overcome too. 

From avoiding unconscious bias to selling your candidates on the idea of working with your ServiceNow company, there are several important points to keep in mind. 

1. Know Your Interview Options

The first step in ensuring you can master your interviews as a hiring manager is knowing what methods you can use to connect with candidates. 

Today, the face-to-face interview isn’t your only option. Video interviews have increased by 67% recently due to the pandemic and the rise of remote work. As hybrid employment options continue to thrive and companies look for ways to streamline the interviewing process, video conversations will likely grow more common. 

There’s also the option for simple phone interviews too. 

Each type of interview has its own challenges to consider. For instance:

  • In-person interviews: You’ll need to think about where you’re going to host your interview, whether it’s a welcoming space, who will attend, and whether the candidate will present or not. 
  • Video interviews: Consider what kind of video meeting service you’ll be using, the background you’ll have in your video, and how you can present yourself as professionally as possible over a webcam.
  • Phone interviews: Ask yourself whether you may need to record phone interviews to go back over them later and how you can ensure you get a good idea of what the candidate is like based on voice alone.

2. Avoid Inappropriate Questions

Inappropriate questions are more common than you would think in ServiceNow interviews. While certain topics of conversation can feel like polite small talk at first, they often cause more problems than you’d think. For instance, asking people about what they did on the weekend can create an unconscious bias if you also have a shared hobby. 

Unconscious bias could favour one candidate over another because you like certain things about their lifestyle or personality, which have nothing to do with the role.

3. Interview Style and Format

There are many different kinds of interviewing techniques today’s business leaders and hiring managers can use, including competency-based or collaborative interviews, presentations and group interactions. 

Interviews are always best performed with two people from the hiring company, which can help avoid bias.

Consider using a first and second stage format before the final decision. In today’s environment, many first and second stage interviews can take place over Zoom or MSTeams.

4. Standardise Your Interview Questions

Standardising your interview questions makes it easier to assess your candidates when you have interviewed several people for a role. It also means you’re less likely to allow unconscious biases to get in the way of your hiring decisions because you’re evaluating everyone based on the same set of guidelines, criteria and questions.

Create specific competency-based interview questions for the specific ServiceNow role in question, which allows you to score each potential employee based on their specific values, behaviours and results. For instance, you can ask questions, share examples of times they’ve acted as a leader or shown exceptional teamwork, and then make notes about their responses. Assigning scores to answers will also help you see who you should be shortlisting.

Your interviews need to maintain a level of flexibility. It will be logical to ask follow-up questions to elicit more detail at times. 

“Tell me more about X or Y or why you decided to do B or C” are classic follow-up questions that work.

5. Make Notes and Follow Up

Finally, make sure you take notes as often as possible as you progress through the interview. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of the conversation and then forget everything you needed to know about the candidate when you come back to review later. 

Always set aside some time at the end of each ServiceNow interview to gather your thoughts and catalogue what stood out to you most about the candidate (good and bad). This information should accompany your scores for various standardised questions.

Making notes can also help when you’re following up with your candidates by allowing you to provide a more contextual and relevant message. 

Showing you remember what you said (like any requirements for starting dates) shows the potential candidate you’re invested in working with them.

Remember, if you’re struggling with your ServiceNow interviewing process, it’s often helpful to seek some help from a specialist recruitment company like ourselves that can help with a lot more than just finding you new candidates – they can also give you advice on how to interview more effectively, with tips on questions you might need to ask.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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