
How to Build the Ultimate ServiceNow Personal Brand

How to Build the Ultimate ServiceNow Personal Brand Linking Humans

A strong brand is more than something a growing company needs to build. 

Personal branding is increasingly important in today’s constantly connected world as the ServiceNow recruitment process evolves. Around 70% of employers screen candidates by checking their social media presence. Moreover, countless hiring managers and recruitment agencies will assess your online presence before providing a job offer.

Cultivating a successful personal brand is how you ensure you’re sending the right impression to future employers and recruitment agencies. 

Used correctly, your brand will augment your CV, cover letter, and job applications to demonstrate why you’re the perfect person for your ideal role. 

The question is, how do you build a great personal brand?

Step 1: Identify your Branding Goals

First, it’s important to determine what you want to achieve with your brand. A good personal brand should define who you are to the world, highlighting your unique combination of values, skills, and experiences. How you present and edit your brand will determine how potential employers perceive you.

With this in mind, ask yourself what kind of image you want to create. Think about:

  • Values: What kind of unique values, strengths and perspectives can you bring to the ServiceNow industry? How would an employer identify you as perfect for their company culture?
  • Skills: What are your technical ServiceNow skills and what kind of experience do you have putting them to the test? Do you have any certifications or accreditation?
  • Personality: What kind of person do you want people to see you as? Are you detail-oriented, creative, passionate, or supportive? 

A good way to define the kind of brand you’ll need to build is to look at the kind of personality traits, skills, and values mentioned in job descriptions for the kind of role you want to earn. 

Step 2: Audit Your Existing Narrative

Once you know what you want your brand to look like, it’s worth looking at the impression you’re already giving in the ServiceNow space. In today’s digitally connected world, virtually every employee will already have a personal brand. 

You can get a good idea of the perception you’re building by examining your social media pages, and asking yourself what kind of impression you give when sharing content online. It’s also worth looking at the connections you have to other people in your industry, and how your associations might help people to understand who you are. 

Check everything from your LinkedIn page to your online portfolio to make sure you’re making the right impression. If you’re not, work on removing anything which goes against the personal brand you’re trying to build, even if this means making some social channels “private”.

Step 3: Create Your Personal Pitch

A good view of your existing reputation and the personal brand you want to create should help you to make a start on your personal pitch. This is essentially the “elevator pitch” you give to sell yourself to colleagues, employers, and hiring professionals. 

Your personal pitch should outline your specific value in the ServiceNow space and what you have to offer quickly and concisely. It should consider both your past experiences and the future you’re aiming for. 

For instance, if you’ve spent years as a ServiceNow Business Analyst but want to become a ServiceNow Engagement Manager, you can show people how your experience in workshops helped you develop the people skills you need to connect with customers and manage projects. 

Once you have your pitch, you can also use it to guide the content you share online and how you present yourself to others. For instance, whenever you post something on LinkedIn, ask yourself, “Would the person I’m pitching to also share this?”.

Step 4: Develop Your Presence and Network

Your personal pitch and the view of the kind of impression you want to send in your ServiceNow space will help you to think about where you can develop your existing online presence and identity. Ask yourself whether you’re already active on all the forums and platforms where an employer might look for you, including industry forums and social media sites. 

Look at how active you are on these platforms too. Sharing content regularly will help you to strengthen your position as a thought leader and demonstrate your unique personality. 

While you’re working on your digital presence, think about how you can also expand your network. Sharing content should help you attract the attention of other leaders in your space, but don’t be afraid to reach out over social media and connect with people too. 

A strong network helps to give credibility to the brand you’re building, and it could open the door to new opportunities. 

Step 5: Work on Increasing your Value

A personal brand isn’t something you should create once and then never look at again. Like you, your personal brand is a dynamic, evolving thing. You’ll need to make sure you’re constantly working on ways to demonstrate your value through the image you create. 

To strengthen the impact of your brand:

  • Commit to constant learning: Work on regularly developing your knowledge in ServiceNow and gaining certifications to expand your skills to make yourself more appealing to employers.
  • Share content regularly: Build your social presence by regularly sharing content, connecting with others, and expanding your network. 
  • Work with the professionals: Speak to a specialist ServiceNow recruitment agency about the things the employers in your space are looking for and build your brand based on the information you get.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

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How to create an ATS Friendly CV?

How to create an ATS Friendly CV? Linking Humans

How to create an ATS Friendly CV?

The first step in being recruited into a ServiceNow role is getting your customised CV before a hiring manager or recruiter. Unfortunately, this process isn’t always as simple as it seems.

As ServiceNow companies look for ways to simplify and digitise the hiring process, many are turning to technology for help. A.T.S. systems, or Applicant Tracking Systems, can help recruitment agencies and teams sort through the applications for each role. Unfortunately, 70% of job applications fail to pass the A.T.S. test. 

While an A.T.S. system can save a company a lot of time searching for the right talent, there are endless ways the technology can trip ServiceNow candidates up. 

Here are some of the best strategies to make your CV/resume A.T.S. friendly.

1. Choose the Right CV format

Formatting is one of the most important factors in ensuring your CV is ATS-friendly. Your information needs to be well-organised and easy for the technology to scan through. 

Reverse chronological is the most commonly recommended formatting option for most C.V.s. This is the go-to for most ServiceNow recruiters, as it places the most important information (your ServiceNow work experience) at the top of the page. 

Reverse chronological formatting also ensures the most relevant and recent information appears on your CV before anything else. 

2. Find the Right File Type

The file type is the document you use to send your CV to a ServiceNow or recruitment company. When applying for a role, you might see requests for specific file types on the job description. Usually, the versatile option is the PDF, as it can be read by most A.T.S. software.

PDF files are excellent for maintaining the formatting and design of your CV/resume. However, some older applicant tracking models cannot read PDFs. In this case, your would-be employer might ask you to submit a .doc file. 

Make sure you read the instructions carefully to ensure you’re using the right file type.

3. Use a Simple Layout

Simplicity is often important for any CV, particularly in the ServiceNow environment, where business hiring managers and recruiters spend hours going through hundreds or even thousands of applications. 

A simple CV layout will be easy to read, with bulleted lists highlighting your achievements. 

Avoid using complex graphics or extra formatting to make your CV look more impressive. Fancy templates can be scrambled by the A.T.S. technology, which may make your CV harder to read and even get your application thrown out by the system.

There are special A.T.S. templates available online if you’re stuck. 

4. Use Keywords

Excellent CVs/resumes and cover letters for any ServiceNow role should be tailored to suit the position’s specific requirements. Ensure you look for important keywords listed in the job description that the A.T.S. software might be looking for in your application. 

For instance, skills related to a specific role are often one of the first things your A.T.S. will look for. If you need a certain certification or degree to be suitable for a certain role, include those words on your CV. 

It’s also worth using plenty of action words in your resume because this helps to highlight things you’ve accomplished. Try terms like “created” or “solved”. 

Don’t just throw keywords in at random, though; remember to ensure the terms you use make sense in the context of the application. Remember: A human will still read your CV after the A.T.S.

5. Don’t Apply for Too Many Roles At Once

A.T.S. tools are designed to find the best possible person for each role. With that in mind, it’s worth thinking carefully about whether you’re the right individual for the position you’re applying for. If you don’t have any of the skills the company is asking for in a job description, you’re not going to pass the A.T.S. test. 

Similarly, applying for multiple jobs with the same company could lead to the technology labelling your application as spam. 

Even if you get through to the human review stage with one or two applications, sending too many job applications to the same ServiceNow company can make you look like you’re desperate for any role rather than applying for the right position.

6. Don’t Game the System

As A.T.S. systems become increasingly popular worldwide, there has been an increase in people attempting to “game the system” or find ways to outsmart the technology. 

Although you might be able to find a handful of articles and guides telling you how to improve your chances of getting through any screening process, tricking the system won’t work long-term. 

Even if you did manage to convince the A.T.S. to send your application to the next level by copy-pasting keywords from the job description into your CV, this wouldn’t get you anywhere when a human reviewed your application.

7. Don’t Just Design for Robots

Finally, it’s easy to get caught up with the complexity of keeping track of everything you need to do to make your CV technology-friendly. In some cases, you might get so focused on designing for the A.T.S. that you forget about the importance of designing for people.

Ultimately, the A.T.S. is just the first stage of the filtering process for applicants in most hiring and recruitment strategies. This means while you need to make your CV easy enough for the robots to leverage and read, you also need to ensure it’s suitable for humans.

Read through everything when you’re done editing and make sure the content still flows naturally through the page. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

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Is your ServiceNow Team Diverse Enough?

Is your ServiceNow Team Diverse Enough? Linking Humans

Is your ServiceNow Team Diverse Enough?

Diversity and experiencing inclusion have never been more important to ServiceNow employees.

Now more than ever, the top talent in your industry wants to work with companies capable of offering diverse, flexible, and empathetic working environments. The concept of D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is a major factor in determining which candidates are likely to apply for your new roles and whether your existing staff will stick around.

Research consistently demonstrates diverse companies are more innovative and creative because they allow for the melding of different perspectives. According to one McKinsey study, diverse teams are 35% more likely to achieve above-average financial returns for your organisation/company.

Unfortunately, although most ServiceNow employers are beginning to recognise the need for diversity, ensuring you have a process to embrace D.E.I. can be complex. It’s easy to fall into patterns with your hiring strategies that diminish diversity opportunities. 

So, what can you do?

1. Develop an Understanding of Diversity

First, build an understanding of what ServiceNow diversity means. For most companies, diversity starts with ensuring their team members include people from different genders, races, and religions. However, it’s important not to overlook other concepts like language and personality, sexual orientation, age, and disability.

Business leaders can often struggle with diversity when they’re unsure what it means. It’s difficult to be all-inclusive when you’re unsure what kind of hidden biases might influence your hiring and promotional decisions. 

If you are uncertain about your diversity process, there are online and offline training programs available to help business leaders and hiring managers question their thought processes and improve their understanding of diversity.

Expanding your education can also help you see how detrimental a lack of diversity can be. It doesn’t only damage business creativity but can also reduce employee engagement and lead to issues with internal conflict. 

2. Rethink Cultural Fit

The concept of “cultural fit” is referenced by many ServiceNow hiring managers when looking for new candidates to fill essential roles. Companies want candidates who will blend well with the existing employees in a team.

However, hiring for cultural fit can be a subjective process if you’re not careful. It’s easy to let your perspective of this concept lead you to hire only people from a certain personality group. While it’s important to ensure everyone in your team feels like a welcome part of the talent mix, it is crucial to allow different insights and perspectives from various backgrounds.

Rather than relying entirely on the somewhat intangible concept of cultural fit, try flipping the script and asking what each potential candidate might be able to add to your culture. Focus on hiring people with shared values and ethics rather than similar personalities.

3. Constantly Check for Bias

Bias can be a serious problem in many parts of the ServiceNow hiring landscape because it is often unconscious. Sometimes, we specifically find ourselves searching for a certain kind of person to fill a role because we’re trying to match a person who held the position previously.

Other times, we might be influenced by biases that we’re not aware of initially. For instance, you might decide to hire someone because you’ve been affected by what they’re wearing or how much you like their personality.

Though hiring bias is difficult to avoid completely, it’s something you can overcome with mindfulness and some helpful strategies. For instance, using competency-based interviews with standardised interview questions can be beneficial. 

4. Improve Your Recruiting Strategy

Recruitment is often part of building a diverse ServiceNow team that business leaders need the most help with. Ultimately, it’s hard to maintain a completely objective approach to finding candidates and working through potential options. 

Some of the ways you can adjust your recruitment plans for diversity include:

  • Updating job descriptions: Rethink the language you use when writing job descriptions, and avoid words with a specific gender appeal. 
  • Casting a wider net: Listing your jobs in more places and looking for candidates in a wider range of environments can help you attract a more diverse range of talented people. You could even consider looking for people in colleges and universities. 
  • Use technology: Technology like diversity recruiting software and A.I. tools to help sort through and shortlist clients can help businesses overcome several unconscious biases. 

The easiest way to improve your recruitment strategy is to work with a dedicated ServiceNow recruitment professional who understands your specific needs and can help to give you a more objective strategy for finding new talent. 

Many specialist recruiters like ourselves are trained in D.E.I. and proactively build diverse talent pools of ServiceNow candidates; if you want to find out more about how we can help you implement a D.E.I. hiring process, get in contact with us here.

5. Remember inclusion

Once you have implemented the process of recruiting diverse members of staff for your team, the next step is ensuring everyone feels equally included in your ServiceNow team. Being more diverse is an admirable ambition for any business, but it doesn’t work if some staff members feel more valued or “seen” than others. 

Work on building a more inclusive environment by regularly collecting feedback from all staff members. Your team can offer insights into whether you’re still showing any unconscious biases. 

It’s also helpful to look at your paths for career advancement in the business. What kind of steps do employees need to take to improve their chances of a promotion, and are certain team members more likely to be considered than others?

You can even look into building your diversity and inclusion committee, which can help collect insights from other staff members and solve issues. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request Call back’’ at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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The Complete Guide to ServiceNow Onboarding

The Complete Guide to ServiceNow Onboarding Linking Humans

The Complete Guide to ServiceNow Onboarding

A successful onboarding strategy could be the key to providing your new team member with all the support, guidance, and insights they need to thrive in your company. 

The ServiceNow landscape has changed drastically in the last couple of years. Job opportunities are becoming more flexible with the rise of remote or hybrid work and the four-day work week.

Even the way companies find and assess new candidates for roles has evolved, with an increasing number of virtual and video interviews. 

On top of all these changes, hiring managers and employers are also facing new challenges in employee retention, with the “Great Resignation” now causing significant talent turnover. 

In a skills-short ServiceNow environment, it’s important to ensure you’re taking every precaution to not only find the right new employee but also prepare them for long-term success. 

Here are the onboarding strategies you can use to empower your ServiceNow hires.

1. Start with Preboarding

Employee “preboarding” is essentially an introductory step before the more intensive onboarding process begins. Today, as the competition for ServiceNow talent continues to grow, talented candidates are increasingly looking to work with employers who make them feel valued. 

Just as your new team member will be working hard to prove you made the right choice by bringing them on board, you want to demonstrate they’ve made a good choice by deciding to work for you. An introduction email as soon as your candidate accepts your job offer can set you off on the right track. You can even use this email to give your new employee some useful information. 

Start by welcoming your candidate onto the team, and let them know the names of some of the people they will be working with. Next, include valuable information your employee might need, such as videos showcasing information about your brand identity. 

2. Adjust the Onboarding Process for Different Roles

Certain parts of the ServiceNow onboarding process will be the same for all employees. You’ll need to introduce every new team member to the company culture in your business and the kind of values you expect them to adhere to. However, this doesn’t mean an onboarding process should be entirely one-size-fits-all. 

Adjust the steps you take in the onboarding process based on your new employee’s needs. For instance, ask yourself what kind of software and tools the team member will be using from day one, and provide them with video guidance on setting up new accounts. 

Think about the specific members of staff your new employee is going to be working with, and arrange for a video or group meeting where you can all get to know each other in an informal and friendly setting. 

Creating a streamlined and personalised process for each employee will ensure your new candidates aren’t overwhelmed by information that may not be pertinent to them when starting their new role. 

3. Focus on Inclusion

The needs of today’s ServiceNow employees are beginning to change. While all team members want access to great development opportunities, a good salary, and fair benefits, they’re also looking for an immersive company culture and a sense of inclusion within their teams. 

Today, 64% of employees say diversity and inclusion is a crucial consideration in their decision to take a job offer. As soon as a new candidate agrees to join your team, start focusing on how you include them. 

Ask new hires about their preferred pronouns and names, and introduce them immediately to the people they will be working with. Allow your employees to sit in on video meetings even before their role officially starts if you’re not going to be sharing sensitive information, and add them to your group messaging boards.

Make sure every team member feels like a crucial part of the team, regardless of whether they’re working in the office, remotely, or on a hybrid schedule.

4. Build a Plan for Development

Great onboarding isn’t just about welcoming a new ServiceNow employee into your team and ensuring they have all the information they need about your business. You should also be looking for ways to build a foundation for a long professional relationship between your company and your hires.

Around 93% of employees say they would happily stay with a company for longer if they felt their managers were investing in their careers with training and development. During the onboarding process, you can begin helping your employee see a future with your brand by working on a professional development plan together.

Set up a one-on-one meeting where you discuss what the future might look like for your new team member and what kind of goals they’d like to achieve. Discuss how you can help your employee reach new heights in their career and what your training opportunities look like.

5. Collect Feedback Regularly

Finally, the only way to ensure your onboarding process is having the right impact on your ServiceNow employees is to ask them about it. Collecting feedback is an excellent way to determine whether you’re giving your new team members all the support and guidance they need. 

Ask your new hires what they feel you did well in the onboarding process and what they would like to change if given a chance. Pay attention to productivity levels after your employees start their new role, and look at how they might change when you add further steps to the onboarding process. 

The feedback you get should guide your future onboarding strategies, helping you build a more comprehensive experience for every new hire. 

Great Onboarding Starts with the Right Hire

Remember, a great onboarding process can be a powerful tool, capable of improving new hire retention by around 82%. However, excellent onboarding processes will always start with the right hiring decisions. Improve your chances of bringing the right people on board by working with a specialist ServiceNow recruitment team like Linking Humans. 

If you want to find out more call us on 02381 542542. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request Call back’’ at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Should I Accept a Counter Offer?

Should I Accept a Counter Offer? Linking Humans

Should I accept a Counteroffer?

Are you wondering if you should accept a counteroffer? Have a read of our blog for the reasons why you should ignore a counteroffer. 

You’ve made it through most of the complex steps involved in finding a new job, from designing the ideal ServiceNow CV to practicing the ultimate interview techniques. Finally, all your hard work has paid off, and you’ve received an excellent offer from your new employer. 

So, what happens when you hand over your resignation letter and your current manager provides a counteroffer, asking you to stay? 

Anywhere up to 50% of the employees who choose to resign from a role will receive a counteroffer from their employer. 

In other words, additional money or benefits they didn’t consider offering you before they realised you wanted to leave.

In the age of the Great Resignation, when demand for ServiceNow talent is higher than ever, your chances of getting a counteroffer are even higher. 

While the promise of extra benefits, money, or responsibilities from your existing employer might be tempting, accepting a counteroffer could be a bad move for your ServiceNow career.

Reasons You Should Say “No” to a Counteroffer

A counteroffer is an offer made by your existing employer in response to the offer you’ve received from another business. When you hand over your resignation letter and your manager promises you more money to come back and retain your existing role, this is a counteroffer. 

Counteroffers are becoming more commonplace as ServiceNow leaders struggle to hold onto their top talent in a skills-short environment. Unfortunately, according to statistics, around 80% of the people who accept these offers end up leaving their employer within six months anyway. 

Here’s why you should politely but firmly decline a counteroffer. 

  • Counteroffers Don’t Solve Underlying Issues

Deciding to seek a new ServiceNow job isn’t something most people will do on a whim. Rather, there’s a good chance you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the pros and cons of leaving your job and looking for something else.

When you’re given a counteroffer, it may address one of your problems with your existing role (such as a low salary), but it’s unlikely to tackle every issue that convinced you to leave. 

Ask yourself why you wanted to take this new job in the first place. Is your current role not challenging enough, or are you planning on moving in a new direction with your career? Maybe you don’t like the culture of your existing company. If every issue isn’t resolved by the counteroffer, you should say “no”. 

  • The Relationship with Your Employer will Change

Employees in the competitive ServiceNow sector have every right to seek new roles whenever they choose. However, letting your employer know you’re not happy in your role and actively looking for something else is likely to have an impact on your relationship

There’s a good chance your employer will have questions about your loyalty after accepting the counteroffer, which means they may not have the same trust in you they had before. Your employer might end up passing you over for promotions because they consider you a flight risk, or they may start looking for other people to fill the gap you’ll leave when you do eventually switch jobs. 

Even if your boss goes in the other direction and starts working harder to keep you happy, there’s likely to be an uncomfortable dynamic in play. 

  • You May End Up Standing Still

Career development often involves moving between different roles, exploring new jobs, and taking on new responsibilities over the years. While you can climb the ladder in one ServiceNow company and end up with a great career, consistently staying in one place could mean you miss out on opportunities to expand your skills and experience. 

When deciding whether a counteroffer is worth accepting, ask yourself if you’ll still be moving towards your long-term career goals if you say yes. Compared to the other job you have lined up, can your existing role help you achieve your targets faster?

A higher salary won’t satisfy you for long if your existing role isn’t pushing you in the right direction. It’s important to keep the end goal in mind with your career. 

  • You May Have to Work Harder to Prove Yourself

In a skills-short ServiceNow marketplace, employers will often rush to offer extra benefits and increased salaries to avoid the stress of searching for new employees. However, this could mean they start looking for evidence you’re worth the extra investment. 

Having extra scrutiny placed on everything you do within the business can be a stressful experience, even if you know you deserve the extra benefits you received. 

In some cases, employees who accept counteroffers find themselves under pressure to perform like a new hire all over again, trying to prove they deserve their new salary and responsibilities. In other cases, you may find that you start receiving responsibilities you didn’t ask for simply because your boss is trying to ensure they’re getting their “money’s worth” from you. 

  • You’ll Always Wonder, “What If?”

Job changes can be stressful and worrying, but they’re also an incredible opportunity to unlock your true potential and advance your career. If you’ve been offered a role at another company, and you’ve said “yes”, there’s something about the job that appealed to you. 

Maybe you were interested in working on different modules and exciting projects. 

Although you’ll have the comfort of not having to get used to a new workplace and meet new people, you’ll also be left constantly wondering what would have happened if you had followed through and moved into the new job. 

Know How to Handle a Counteroffer

It’s worth preparing for a counteroffer in advance when you approach your manager with your resignation letter, particularly in a skill’s short environment. Think about how you will reject the offer politely and firmly, and what important factors might convince you to give your old job a second chance. 

Working with us, a specialist ServiceNow recruitment team to find the ideal new role will help to ensure you don’t have any doubts about moving into your new position.  

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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