February 23, 2022
Adjust To Working From Home
Adjust To Working From Home

Working from home seems to be the new normal for a lot of us. It is disorienting to work from home as we are used to having a separate workspace.

As a company that has employees working from home, we have gathered some helpful tips for those who are trying to adjust to their new remote working reality.

Create a workspace

It is key to have a section or room of your house as a workspace.

This will keep you on track to get things done. As you will associate this area of your home as your office and not a part of your home. Making you more productive.

It is also important to have all the equipment you need in this workspace. You may need a work laptop, noise-cancelling headphones, or even a new desk chair. This will aid in creating a healthy and focused workspace.

This equipment will boost your health, mood and, productivity. Your office will provide some equipment and could even reimburse you for some, so always ask!

A good workspace will also be free from distractions. Communicate with any roommates and family members and make sure they do not interrupt you and are quiet during meeting times.

Another important factor to working from home is a stable WIFI connection. Make sure to check if your WIFI is running and is quick to deal with your workload. This will save you some frustration!

Maintain a routine

Establishing and maintaining a routine is key to adapting to working from home. Stick to regular time for starting and finishing your work and if you need to take a break from your laptop, schedule it in.

If you have a structure, it can help you achieve more. You are also less likely to get distracted if you have dedicated working hours.

Also, take a break, go for a walk, or cook yourself some lunch. There will be times where your productivity dips, so it is important to take breaks to refresh yourself. This will help you from getting overwhelmed as well as keep you focused on your work.


One major adjustment of working from home is the social isolation. With social isolation, you are more likely to feel tired or isolated. These feelings can make your productivity fall.

To avoid this, try and socialise in your workday. You could plan coffee chats with people on a video call, connect with your family or friends or talk about non-work-related topics with your co – workers after meetings. This will keep your mood, health, and productivity high.

Working from home has been a big adjustment for all of us however for most of us it is only temporary! You will be back in the office soon. In the meantime, we hope this guide helps you to better work from home.

If you enjoy working remotely and are looking for a job in ServiceNow, we have some job listings that might interest you. Take a look now!

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