At Linking Humans, we pride ourselves on helping you to prepare for your interview to give you best possible chance of securing your dream role!
This blog will focus on preparing you for competency-based interviews. As these are becoming increasingly popular. To break this down, this interview is a series of behavioural questions.
What is a competency-based interview?
Depending on the size of the company or organisation, your interview can take many forms.
Firstly, a general conversation, with the interviewer asking questions related to the job and trying to get an overall picture of you, including your strengths and development areas.
By contrast, a competency-based interview is based on a series of questions related to the various behaviours and competencies listed on the job specification.
This type of interview uses questions that aim to confirm if you have the specific skills relevant to the ServiceNow job and sets out to see how you approach tasks, problem-solving and challenges.
The interviewer will ask you to describe a situation which demonstrates your abilities that will be integral to the role you’re interviewing for. The best way to answer a competency-based question is to try and think of examples. Such as, a situation where you have been in that answers the question is a positive light.
At Linking Humans, we have a team of consultants who are specially trained in running and conducting interviews. We will be able to offer the best advice possible to give you the best possible chance at succeeding.
Below is a list of core-competencies that employers tend to look for in candidates and example question they may use:
Adaptability and Innovation
Tell us about the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to get where you are today. What different approaches did you use to deal with it?
Attention to detail
Tell us about a project that you have worked on, what checks did you put in to ensure that you met the deadlines?
Business Awareness
Tell us an idea you have put to your manager on how your department could cut costs.
Continuous Learning
Tell us what steps you have taken to develop your work skills.
Customer Service
Give us an example of a difficult situation with a customer and how you overcame it.
Effective Communication
Talk us through a situation when you felt that communication broke down, what did you do? What was the end result?
Influence and Negotiation
Tell us about a time when you have had to deal with a conflict within your department, what happened?
Initiative and Commitment to Achieve
Tell us about a contribution or idea you have had in the workplace.
Interpersonal Ability
Tell us about a time when you have had to discipline a colleague.
Tell us about a member of your team you have coached or developed.
Organising for Results
What are some of the recurring problems you encounter at work? What do you do about them? Or tell me of a time when you had multiple tasks with competing deadlines and how you handled them.
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Tell us a time when you have had to make a difficult decision and what steps were involved in this?
Tell us an area within your professional development that you have worked hard on to improve.
What was your greatest achievement in your last role, and how did you get there? This provides a check on your levels of enthusiasm and drive.
Strategic Thinking
From your knowledge of the job in question, what do you see as being the main challenges?
Tell us about a time when you had to engage the help of others to succeed in a job.
We hope this helps you with preparing for your interview! Check out our blog page for other helpful tips in your job search!