‘Do you have any questions for me?’
We all have heard those words coming from a hiring managers mouth. If you are prepared, you already have some good questions you searched up. If not, you are left scrambling.
In our experience, people don’t have great questions prepared because they stress and focus on acing the interview. After you have carried your interview preparation and even have a string of examples to share, you should focus on the questions you will ask the hiring manager.
Why Is It Important to Prepare Questions?
When you ask a ServiceNow manager insightful and great questions, it is an amazing way to show off your commitment, your ServiceNow knowledge, and your professionalism. Asking a few questions at the end of your interview also demonstrate your interest and your involvement in the interview. These questions can give the hiring team a good impression of you.
Another benefit is that it also can make you stand out. It is also a great opportunity to get the answers to your questions.
Preparing to Ask Questions
It’s time to prepare for an important part of the interview process that many ServiceNow candidates forget.
It starts with that moment when the interviewer says something like, “Well, we have asked you a lot of questions, now it’s your turn; do you have any questions for us?”
At Linking Humans, the team have interviewed thousands of candidates over the years, and a typical pattern at the end of the meeting is… silence… no questions, rather a statement along the lines of, “No, I think you have covered everything.”
In today’s business economy, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t prepare multiple questions to ask your potential future employer.
Imagine the positive impression you will leave at the end of the interview by asking a few well thought through questions, particularly since many candidates either don’t ask anything or only make a comment about when the start date is.
An interview is a structured process of two parts. Your potential employer is asking you questions to learn about you, your skill and capability to perform in the role in question and fit into the company culture and ethos.
In return, you need to prepare questions to ask about the position, your department and your future development path.
The questions you ask can make a huge impact on the whole process. The questions you ask the ServiceNow hiring manager can inform them of your priorities and work ethic. Questions about how well you have performed, or the salary range are tempting to ask, but don’t always profile you in the best light.
We have a list of amazing questions you can ask the hiring manager after your ServiceNow interview.
What Do You See as The Major Growth Opportunities for…….?
This is a great warm-up question that demonstrates your enthusiasm and strategic thinking. Also, it allows you to find out if the company invests in educational or professional training to develop your career. ServiceNow companies want to hire people who are enthusiastic to professional growth. Show the hiring manager that one of your priorities is continued growth in your career.
Our advice would be to ideally, do some homework on this aspect, too, so you can ask clarifying questions.
What Employees Do Well Here?
A subtle yet important question. Your hiring managers answer will hopefully reveal an enormous amount about the organisational culture and its values. Knowing the culture of a company is incredibly important. It reveals to you if people enjoy their work life and the company. A positive organisational culture improves employee morale, and this makes your job enjoyable.
Do you like what you hear? Are they unconsciously describing you? Fingers crossed they are.
What Additional Skills Do You Think Would Be Good to Develop in This Role?
Through the interview, I am sure you will have been asked various questions about your functional capabilities. However, additional skills and capabilities will be needed to excel and be considered for the next step-up. This question will give you an idea of what is possible and signal your enthusiasm to develop and add value.
This questions also tells which skills you can highlight in your background. By letting the hiring manager know about your additional skills, you can make yourself stand out!
What is The Career Path for Someone Like me?
Every ServiceNow hiring manager hopes that their recruit is keen to progress and do well. This question will demonstrate that you are thinking about a long-term career rather than the role being a stopgap till something else appears. It will also help you work out if the organisation has a development culture, where promotion from within is a goal. Also, you can find out the timeframe this advancement normally happens, so you know the how and when.
It is a great idea to find out how the company celebrates your accomplishments and what to expect when you have done well.
These simple four questions will help you gain valuable information about the company while also demonstrating how serious you are about the role too. We hope this helps with your interview preparation.
If you are looking for a ServiceNow role, please email your CV to info@linkinghumans.com and we will get back to you with any relevant positions.