
How to Respond to Rejection After a ServiceNow Interview

How to Respond to Rejection After a ServiceNow Interview Linking Humans

How to Respond to Rejection After a ServiceNow Interview


After days or weeks of getting ready for your ServiceNow interview, few things are more crushing than learning you haven’t been successful in getting the job. Rejection is difficult to deal with in any part of life, but it can be particularly upsetting when you’re striving for the perfect career. 

However, rejection is also a common part of the job searching process. Learning how to respond productively to a lost job opportunity is the way to ensure you don’t keep making the same mistakes the next time you meet with a hiring manager. 

Here’s what you can do to correctly handle ServiceNow interview rejection. 

Step 1: Ask if the Role Was What You Wanted

First, it’s worth asking whether the role was right for you in the first place. When you’re keen to take the next step in your ServiceNow career, you might start applying for roles that are just ‘close enough’ to what you want, rather than seeking the ideal position. 

Perhaps you were attracted to certain aspects of the position but were a little concerned about the company culture. Maybe you were happy about the opportunity to find your first job in the ServiceNow industry, but the position in question didn’t give you much scope to showcase your skills. 

If you weren’t particularly passionate about the job in the first place, there’s a good chance your hiring manager picked up on that fact. Maybe you rushed through the research stage of preparing for the interview or failed to leave a lasting impression. 

Ask yourself whether this role was right for you, and if it wasn’t, consider adjusting your job search accordingly. Applying only for the positions you truly care about will motivate you to showcase the best version of yourself during your next interview. 

Step 2: Reconsider Your Qualifications

Even if you liked the idea of the ServiceNow role you were applying for and thought it would be good for your career, you may not have been perfectly positioned for the job. Take another look at the job description and highlight the qualifications the manager was looking for. Do they match your education and experience perfectly?

If not, this could be a sign it wasn’t what you did in the interview that lost you the opportunity. No matter how confident you appear during the interview, most hiring managers may still prioritise candidates with the right qualifications. 

If you continue applying for similar roles in the future, the best thing you’ll be able to do now is start working on adding to your skills. Make a list of all the talents and educational credentials you don’t already have and start seeking them out. Even showing your would-be employer you’re training can improve your chances of getting your next role.

Step 3: Brush up on Your Interview Confidence

If you did have all of the correct qualifications and experience for the ServiceNow role you wanted, the problem could be with your technique. Lack of confidence during an interview is a common reason why around 40% of candidates don’t make it past the first interview stage. 

Look back over the conversation you had with the hiring manager. Were you constantly fidgeting, looking down at your CV, or failing to make eye contact? Your body language in an interview can say a lot about your kind of person and how confident you feel in your abilities. 

Try practising with a friend or colleague to prepare for your next interview. Make a list of common interview questions similar to the ones you were asked in your last ServiceNow interview, and practice responding to them. Come up with competency-based answers which showcase your abilities and the skills your hiring managers are looking for. 

Most importantly, practice demonstrating an air of positive self-esteem. Sit straight, keep your hands still, and make eye contact regularly. A smile can go a long way in an interview too. You can find more tips on our blog,  ‘Banishing ServiceNow Interview Nerves for Good’ 

Step 4: Look for Ways to Improve Next Time

Outside of increasing your confidence for an interview, you can take several other steps to improve your chances of success going forward. Take the time to go back over the interview in your head and ask yourself where you struggled. 

Were there certain questions you didn’t have a good response to? If so, you can practice generating relevant ServiceNow answers. Maybe you misjudged the dress code or arrived late to a video meeting because you were busy setting up your camera.

You may have failed to make the right impression because you didn’t have enough information about the company you applied for. Around 47% of candidates fail their interviews because they haven’t done enough research. Learning as much as possible about the business before you start applying for roles will help you tailor your answers and CV to the company’s needs.

Step 5: Respond to your Interviewer

Finally, a good way to improve your chances of success in upcoming interviews is to respond to your interviewer after they send you the rejection message. Thank the company for their time, and they’ll be more likely to think of you positively if you apply for roles with the same business. What’s more, this is a great chance to ask for feedback.

If you’re not sure exactly what you did wrong during the conversation, request a little bit of detailed information on why they chose someone other than you. This will help you to highlight the areas you need to address before beginning your next job search. 

Time to Refresh Your Career Plan?

Sometimes, rejection after a ServiceNow interview is a sign you need to brush up on your interview skills and confidence. Other times, you could be setting yourself up for failure by applying for roles you’re not suited to in the first place. Working with a ServiceNow recruitment agency should ensure you only apply for the roles you’re most likely to be chosen for. 

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping companies deliver permanent and freelance technology experts to ServiceNow partners and End Users across the UK, Europe, and North America. We take pride in providing the best possible people to take your business forward. 

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request Call back’’ at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here.

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Mastering the ServiceNow Interview: Avoiding 6 Common Mistakes

Mastering the ServiceNow Interview: Avoiding 6 Common Mistakes Linking Humans
ServiceNow Interview tips do’s and don’ts

ServiceNow interviews can be nerve-wracking at the best of times. Suppose you’re applying for an amazing new job opportunity. In that case, the pressure to present yourself as a reputable, trustworthy, skilled and reliable individual can quickly get on top of you, no matter how confident you usually feel. 

While most interviewers expect to see a few signs of nerves in candidates, making certain mistakes during this crucial conversation could mean you miss out on a fantastic role. 

Whether you’re meeting with an employer through a video conference or participating in a face-to-face interview, it is key to be prepared. 

So here are some interview tips to avoid the most common interview mistakes you should always avoid.

1.  Not Being Prepared

Perhaps the biggest cardinal sin any ServiceNow candidate can commit is failing to prepare fully for the interview. Before you go into your interview, you should always research the company thoroughly. 

Take a closer look at the job description and ensure you know exactly what your employer is looking for, so you can prepare answers to interview questions that showcase the right competencies and characteristics. Examining the job description carefully will also help you determine whether the role is right for you. 

Study the company’s website to get a feel for their culture, vision, and values, and try to incorporate these factors into your answers too. Check the company’s social media channels, and ask your ServiceNow recruitment company for advice.

2.  Dressing Inappropriately

Times have changed, though not that much, that dressing appropriately for an interview no longer matters. Most interviewers won’t give you a specific dress code to follow before you turn up for the conversation, so it’s up to you to use your common sense. If you’re unsure whether the company is generally more “laid back” about dress codes, dress professionally. 

You don’t necessarily need to wear a suit for every interview, but you should focus on professional dress. This applies not just to face-to-face interviews but video interviews too. Hiring managers still expect to see professionally-presented candidates when they’re interacting over video.

Dressing properly will show your interviewer that you’re taking this interview seriously.

3.  Talking About the Wrong Things

For a hiring manager in the ServiceNow industry, an interview is a chance to get to know candidates better, evaluate their competency for the role, and determine whether they will fit the company’s existing culture well. The things you discuss in your interview should highlight why you’re a good fit for the position and business. 

With this in mind, make sure you don’t start talking about the wrong things. Don’t immediately jump into a discussion about salary (you can ask about this later), and try not to get too caught up in small talk at the beginning of the interview, either. 

Most importantly, never criticise former employers or colleagues. Talking negatively about a previous place of employment will make you look petty. 

If you’re asked questions like “Tell me about a time that you didn’t work well with your manager”, don’t try to pin the issue entirely on them. Focus on the communication issues or other problems which contributed to the situation.

4.  Not Being Punctual

A well-known quote says, ‘The way you do anything is the way you do everything.’

Therefore, an interview is the first opportunity to demonstrate how you ‘do’ things and what kind of employee you will be to your potential employer. Arriving late is never a good sign, as it shows you’re not well-organised, punctual, or good at time management – even if you have a valid excuse. 

Ensure you’re going to arrive on time or early for your interview by planning your route and setting off early if you’re concerned you will be affected by traffic. If you’re taking part in a pre-screening interview over video or your interview is a video conference, make sure you check all of your software and hardware is working in advance.

When the interview begins, don’t rush off to grab your CV/resume and other resources before you can start talking. Show you’re well-prepared by having everything you need in front of you. If you can’t avoid being late, call the interviewing manager or your recruiter to let them know what’s happening as soon as you’re aware you’re not going to arrive on time.

5.  Poor Body Language

Communication is up to 55% non-verbal. It’s not just what you say that your hiring manager will be paying attention to in an interview, but how you present yourself too. Slouching in your seat, constantly checking the time, or fidgeting all show your potential employer you’re distracted or uninterested in the role. 

Before an interview, take a few deep breaths to focus. Concentrate on regularly making eye contact with the people you’re talking to, sitting straight, and maintaining confidence. Keep your hands in front of you on the table or in your lap, and never check your phone during a meeting. 

If you’re worried about what your body language might be saying about you, it could be helpful to practice some “interview scenarios” with friends before you go for the actual meeting.

6.  Not Listening Properly

Employers want their ServiceNow employees to be passionate, engaged, and attentive. With this in mind, you should always show your hiring manager that you’re listening carefully to every word they say. If you feel your attention slipping during a particularly long interview, make an extra effort to stay engaged. Lean forward slightly, make eye contact, and focus. 

If you’re not sure whether you’ve understood a question correctly, ask your hiring manager about it. It’s okay to double-check that you know what they’re looking for when they query something. Just try not to ask your hiring manager to repeat themselves constantly.

A good way to show you’re actively listening is to rework the question into your answer. For instance, if someone asks you to “tell them about a situation where you acted as a leader”, you could say, “I think I showed my leadership qualities best during…”

Linking Humans partners with organisations from all over the world looking for talented individuals to meet their ServiceNow-related needs. Whether you’re a ServiceNow Developer, Project Manager, or Architect, or you have other specialist skills related to ServiceNow, we’ll get you into your perfect role quickly and efficiently.

If you would like to speak to us, then use the “Request call back” at the top of this page or find more ways to contact us here. Together, we can find your dream ServiceNow role.

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Banish ServiceNow Interview Nerves For Good

Banish ServiceNow Interview Nerves For Good

Applying for a new role and going through an interview can be a daunting task for even the most experienced ServiceNow professional.

Interview nerves affect most people. They can make the recruitment process more stressful than it needs to be for you, the candidate.

Your next job might be the start of something amazing – so naturally, you will want to impress the hiring manager.

If you are preparing for an upcoming ServiceNow interview, we have created this guide to help you boost your confidence to help land you your next role. For extra help, you can read our other blog on mastering video interviews. 

1. Role Play Interview Practice

We all know that preparation is the key to success. Anyone who has ever had a job interview will have been told to practice their answers beforehand.

But very few candidates ever actually go to the lengths of practising a role-play style interview with someone. Doing this can help you significantly.

Practising your answers while you are alone, or even writing down specific answers or themes are great ways to prepare. However, nothing beats a real-life run-through beforehand.

So, get someone, a friend or a family member, to act as the interviewer and get them to ask role-specific or general interview questions. You should be prepared for both – and practice giving your answers.

You will not know until you rehearse in this way that you might want to add something into one of your answers, or that you need some extra practice when talking about a specific subject.

2. Boosting your confidence before the interview

Immediately before the interview is when candidates are at their most nervous. 93% of candidates admit to experiencing job interview anxiety.

So it is during this time that the most crucial confidence-boosting techniques are needed.

The following are great simple tips to help you in the hour up to the interview. Find somewhere private, either in your car or a private hallway to take a few minutes to practice the following:

  • Picture yourself succeeding – visualisation techniques are shown to be effective at helping reduce nerves and focus the mind.
  • Breathing techniques – take slow, deep breaths to help calm any nervous jitters you may be having.
  • Say some positive affirmations to yourself – saying ‘I will succeed’, ‘I deserve this job’ and ‘I am going to be successful in this interview’ will help you foster a positive mindset, which can significantly improve your confidence.

Once you are in the interview, let’s look at how some simple body language techniques can help you relax and be your most confident self.

3. Body Language During the Interview

The way you hold yourself will make you feel more confident so that you are able to give a better interview, plus it will also signal to the interviewer that you are relaxed and professional.

First impressions count, so smile when you say hello.

Try not to perch nervously on the edge of your seat – sit all the way back in your chair, with a straight back, not slouching.

When you give your answers, talk with your hands as this will allow you to communicate your ideas more effectively. But also be careful with the way you use your hands – don’t gesticulate too wildly, and when you are listening rather than talking, try not to fidget or keep touching your hair or your face, which people tend to do when they are nervous.

Remember to carry on breathing deeply, and always say yes to a glass of water – you can take a sip to compose yourself before you give your answers, or if you need a moment to pause.

Make eye contact with the interviewer, but not too much. And finally – smile during the interview – you want to look like you are happy to be there!

4. Be a Great Listener

There will be time during the interview when the interviewer is asking the questions or explaining about the company. During these times, remember to employ excellent listening skills.

A ServiceNow interview is about listening as much as it is about talking.

Nod when the interviewer is speaking and always make sure they have finished before you give your answer.

The interviewer will be looking for someone they can guarantee will get on with the rest of the team – so an overconfident candidate who spends the entire interview singing their own praises can be a turn-off.

Remember that not every answer you give has to be perfect – but listen to what the interviewer is asking, and you can always ask them to repeat themselves or clarify if you aren’t sure what they meant.

Interviewers are human, and they don’t always give perfect interview questions.

5. Look to Connect, Not Impress

And finally, a great tip to boost your confidence is to not think about the ServiceNow interview as an interview – but a conversation.

Aim to connect with the interview, not to flat-out impress them with everything you say.

Building rapport with an interviewer is a great way to be a memorable candidate, and striking a meaningful conversation rather than stressing while trying to appear superhuman will allow you to naturally ease into the interview and will make the whole experience much more enjoyable.

Confidence is about being honest and transparent; it is obvious when someone is trying to be somebody they’re not.


Are you preparing for an upcoming interview? Or maybe you’re not quite there yet, and you’re still looking for a new ServiceNow role.

If so, we can help.

We’re specialist ServiceNow recruiters, and we can help you will all aspects of your new job search, from CV help to arranging interviews, and of course – helping you prepare for your all-important interview.

To find out how we can help you in your new ServiceNow job search – get in touch with us 02381 542542.

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Questions To Ask After A ServiceNow Interview

‘Do you have any questions for me?’

We all have heard those words coming from a hiring managers mouth. If you are prepared, you already have some good questions you searched up. If not, you are left scrambling.

In our experience, people don’t have great questions prepared because they stress and focus on acing the interview. After you have carried your interview preparation and even have a string of examples to share, you should focus on the questions you will ask the hiring manager.

Why Is It Important to Prepare Questions?

When you ask a ServiceNow manager insightful and great questions, it is an amazing way to show off your commitment, your ServiceNow knowledge, and your professionalism. Asking a few questions at the end of your interview also demonstrate your interest and your involvement in the interview. These questions can give the hiring team a good impression of you.

Another benefit is that it also can make you stand out. It is also a great opportunity to get the answers to your questions.

Preparing to Ask Questions

It’s time to prepare for an important part of the interview process that many ServiceNow candidates forget.

It starts with that moment when the interviewer says something like, “Well, we have asked you a lot of questions, now it’s your turn; do you have any questions for us?”

At Linking Humans, the team have interviewed thousands of candidates over the years, and a typical pattern at the end of the meeting is… silence… no questions, rather a statement along the lines of, “No, I think you have covered everything.”

In today’s business economy, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t prepare multiple questions to ask your potential future employer.

Imagine the positive impression you will leave at the end of the interview by asking a few well thought through questions, particularly since many candidates either don’t ask anything or only make a comment about when the start date is.

An interview is a structured process of two parts. Your potential employer is asking you questions to learn about you, your skill and capability to perform in the role in question and fit into the company culture and ethos.

In return, you need to prepare questions to ask about the position, your department and your future development path.

The questions you ask can make a huge impact on the whole process. The questions you ask the ServiceNow hiring manager can inform them of your priorities and work ethic.  Questions about how well you have performed, or the salary range are tempting to ask, but don’t always profile you in the best light.

We have a list of amazing questions you can ask the hiring manager after your ServiceNow interview.

What Do You See as The Major Growth Opportunities for…….?

This is a great warm-up question that demonstrates your enthusiasm and strategic thinking. Also, it allows you to find out if the company invests in educational or professional training to develop your career. ServiceNow companies want to hire people who are enthusiastic to professional growth. Show the hiring manager that one of your priorities is continued growth in your career.

Our advice would be to ideally, do some homework on this aspect, too, so you can ask clarifying questions.

What Employees Do Well Here?

A subtle yet important question. Your hiring managers answer will hopefully reveal an enormous amount about the organisational culture and its values. Knowing the culture of a company is incredibly important. It reveals to you if people enjoy their work life and the company. A positive organisational culture improves employee morale, and this makes your job enjoyable.

Do you like what you hear? Are they unconsciously describing you? Fingers crossed they are.

What Additional Skills Do You Think Would Be Good to Develop in This Role?

Through the interview, I am sure you will have been asked various questions about your functional capabilities. However, additional skills and capabilities will be needed to excel and be considered for the next step-up. This question will give you an idea of what is possible and signal your enthusiasm to develop and add value.

This questions also tells which skills you can highlight in your background. By letting the hiring manager know about your additional skills, you can make yourself stand out!

What is The Career Path for Someone Like me?

Every ServiceNow hiring manager hopes that their recruit is keen to progress and do well. This question will demonstrate that you are thinking about a long-term career rather than the role being a stopgap till something else appears. It will also help you work out if the organisation has a development culture, where promotion from within is a goal. Also, you can find out the timeframe this advancement normally happens, so you know the how and when.

It is a great idea to find out how the company celebrates your accomplishments and what to expect when you have done well.

These simple four questions will help you gain valuable information about the company while also demonstrating how serious you are about the role too. We hope this helps with your interview preparation.
If you are looking for a ServiceNow role, please email your CV to info@linkinghumans.com and we will get back to you with any relevant positions. 

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How To Master Video Interviews To Get The ServiceNow Role You Want

Video interviews are here to stay. Convenient, easily accessible, and cost-effective, a video interview can be an ideal alternative to a face-to-face conversation. Currently, around 84% of recruiters say they’ve begun including virtual hiring tools like video interviews in their processes.

The question for ServiceNow candidates is, how do you make sure you’re making the right impression when you can’t rely on face-to-face chemistry?

Learning how to pivot your interview tactics so you’re ready to wow a hiring manager just as easily over webcam as you would in person is crucial for today’s landscape. Here’s your guide to making the most of your ServiceNow video interviews.

Prepare Properly

Preparation is key whether you’re meeting your interviewer in person or not.

In a similar way to a face-to-face interview, you should start by researching. Learn as much as you can about the company in question. You’re still expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the company and the position you’re applying for. So, don’t skimp on research because the conversation is happening over video.

Once you’ve collected as much information as possible about your would-be ServiceNow employer, the next step is preparing your tech. Find out what kind of video conferencing technology your hiring manager will be using. Then test out the functionality in advance; your recruitment consultant will have the details related to this.

Check your webcam, microphone and headphones work perfectly before the interview. You should also make sure the location you’re using for your desk has a strong internet connection. This will help to reduce the risk of lag in your call. Other points to consider as you prepare include:

  • Learn how to use important features on video conferencing, like mute or virtual background
  • Find out whether you need to have documents ready for a presentation during the meeting
  • Ask whether you’ll need to use additional tools during the interview, like screen sharing

Set up Your Shot

One of the best things about ServiceNow video interviews is they allow you to interact with a hiring manager from the comfort of your own home. This can be helpful if you’re nervous about an interview. However, it also means you will be in complete control of your interview environment and what the interviewer sees from your camera.

Start by choosing the right environment; a space out of the way of family, pets, and other distractions is usually a good idea. Choose somewhere well-lit but avoid sitting with a light source directly behind you, as this can cause a shadow.

Set up your webcam so the other person can see your upper body and face, rather than just one portion of your head. It’s also worth thinking about your background. A neutral space, like a blank wall or a room without a lot of background clutter or decoration, is usually a good bet.

If you’re worried about not finding the perfect space, you can consider experimenting with a virtual background or background blurring before the interview.

Know How to Present Yourself

Video interviews still require appropriate business dress. Your ServiceNow hiring manager will expect to see evidence of your professionalism in the way you present yourself.

Always choose professional attire, just like you would for a formal in-person interview. You should also think about how certain clothing and accessories will show up on camera. Distracting patterns can be headache-inducing on camera, while pale colours can make you look drained.

Make sure you’re fully dressed (from head to toe). Also, think about the little details you can implement to boost your confidence. Try to avoid any large pieces of jewellery or accessories, as these can capture light from the computer screen and cause glare.

Practice Body Language

Body language is crucial in any ServiceNow interview. Everything from whether you’re sitting up straight or slumping in your seat to how much eye contact you’re making will be under assessment. Practice interviewing with friends and family members over video to get feedback on whether you’re looking away from the screen too often or forgetting to smile.

Try to avoid constantly watching yourself on screen, rather than paying attention to the person you’re speaking to, as this can make you seem distracted. It’s also important to shut down any other distractions which might draw your attention, like email notifications or separate tabs.

Centring your camera and looking directly into it will help you create the illusion of eye contact. Remember to:

  • Smile regularly to create a friendly atmosphere
  • Keep your arms and legs uncrossed to avoid looking unwelcoming
  • Avoid looking down at your lap or your notes too frequently

Master the Little Details

Small things can make a big difference in a ServiceNow interview.

When you’re interviewing over video, making sure everything looks and sounds perfect is the best way to make a lasting, professional impression. Getting to the interview a few minutes early so you can set up your camera and audio and check everything is working is often a good idea.

Take steps to minimise the risk of any interruptions by locking the office door or letting your family know you can’t be disturbed. If you are disturbed, remember to preserve your professional appearance by apologising and responding calmly, this will make you look more adaptable.

While mastering video interviews can seem a little challenging at first, you will soon master the art of video interviews if you follow our straightforward process.

For more tips, read our adjust to working from home and preparing for an interview blog.

Here at Linking Humans, we have been helping candidates with finding their dream ServiceNow role! Visit our job listings page or you can call us on 02381 542 542

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How To Write A Great Cover Letter

After writing your CV, the next step is to do a cover letter. We have created this blog to be your helpful guide to creating a great cover letter. 

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a document sent to hiring managers describing why you are the right candidate for the job. It also complements your CV as you are able to expand on your skills and experience.  In addition to this, you are able to demonstrate your writing skills and show off your personality.

An engaging cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and highlight your most desirable skills and traits, and it can create a great first impression in the hiring manager’s eye.

Some ServiceNow jobs will state a covering letter as a requirement for application; others won’t. It’s always a good idea to include one even if it’s not specifically requested, as it allows you to expand on your skills and attributes and sets you above the competition.

Think of it like this – your CV lists your skills and experience. Your cover letter is there to expand on how you fulfil the job spec and create interest in order to make the employer even more interested in you as a potential employee.

A good cover letter should include in-depth information about your skills and why that will make you the right person for the job. You must convince the hiring managers to hire you in your cover letter as well as including what value you will add to the company.

Is your cover letter enhancing your application – or letting it down? Here’s how to ensure you’re making your cover letter work hard for you.

How To Write A Great Cover Letter Linking Humans

How to write a cover letter?

1. Contact information

Firstly, at the top of your cover letter, include your contact information. This is so recruiters can easily find your name and information to contact you. 

2. Address the letter to the hiring manager

The next step you should take is addressing your letter to a specific person. This usually will be the hiring manager or department. If you are unable to find the hiring manager’s name, look on LinkedIn. If you type in the company and then hiring manager, you may be able to find a name.

This adds a nice personal touch to the cover letter and it demonstrates you have researched for their name. As a result, you will impress the hiring manager.

3. Introduction

Once you have addressed the hiring manager, the next section will be the introduction paragraph. You should state the purpose of your cover letter in this section. Keep it straightforward.  

This section should only be a few sentences. You should describe the role you are applying for, why you are interested in the job and the company. As well as what makes you the perfect candidate for the role. 

4. Main paragraphs

After the introduction, will be your main paragraphs. This should be no more than two paragraphs. Highlight the value you will add to the company. As well as the responsibilities of your position, projects you undertook, and skills you gained. These must be relevant to the role. You should emphasise you role in these experiences. For instance, if you are applying to one of our ServiceNow jobs, you should highlight your experience or qualifications in ServiceNow.

You must not summarise your CV in this section. Explain why your skills and experiences make you the right person for the job. Our tip is to incorporate keywords from the job description into this section.

Moreover, in these paragraphs, you should use action words. For example, addressed, accomplished, directed, integrated, redesigned, investigated, or negotiated. This avoids overusing the word ‘I’. By using action words, you are showing what the company can gain from hiring you. 

5. Closing paragraph

Once again state your interest in the position, the company, and why you are a good fit for the role. 

You should also include a call to action in the closing paragraph. Invite the hiring manager to follow up with you. 

Additionally, thank the reader for their consideration, state you look forward to hearing back from them, and include your signature at the very bottom. 


Finally, visual consistency makes a big difference, and it is a nice professional touch. Keep your cover letter to one side of A4 and use the same font and size as your CV. 

Do a thorough proof to ensure what you have included makes sense. Then let your recruiter read it through before they send it for you.

We hope this helped you in writing your cover letter! If you are looking for tips on how to ace an interview, check out our blog!

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Helping You To Prepare For Your Interview

At Linking Humans, we pride ourselves on helping you to prepare for your interview to give you best possible chance of securing your dream role!

This blog will focus on preparing you for competency-based interviews. As these are becoming increasingly popular. To break this down, this interview is a series of behavioural questions.

What is a competency-based interview?

Depending on the size of the company or organisation, your interview can take many forms.

Firstly, a general conversation, with the interviewer asking questions related to the job and trying to get an overall picture of you, including your strengths and development areas.

By contrast, a competency-based interview is based on a series of questions related to the various behaviours and competencies listed on the job specification.

This type of interview uses questions that aim to confirm if you have the specific skills relevant to the ServiceNow job and sets out to see how you approach tasks, problem-solving and challenges.

The interviewer will ask you to describe a situation which demonstrates your abilities that will be integral to the role you’re interviewing for. The best way to answer a competency-based question is to try and think of examples. Such as, a situation where you have been in that answers the question is a positive light.

At Linking Humans, we have a team of consultants who are specially trained in running and conducting interviews. We will be able to offer the best advice possible to give you the best possible chance at succeeding.

Below is a list of core-competencies that employers tend to look for in candidates and example question they may use:

Adaptability and Innovation

Tell us about the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to get where you are today. What different approaches did you use to deal with it?

Attention to detail

Tell us about a project that you have worked on, what checks did you put in to ensure that you met the deadlines?

Business Awareness

Tell us an idea you have put to your manager on how your department could cut costs.

Continuous Learning

Tell us what steps you have taken to develop your work skills.

Customer Service

Give us an example of a difficult situation with a customer and how you overcame it.

Effective Communication

Talk us through a situation when you felt that communication broke down, what did you do? What was the end result?

Influence and Negotiation

Tell us about a time when you have had to deal with a conflict within your department, what happened?

Initiative and Commitment to Achieve

Tell us about a contribution or idea you have had in the workplace.

Interpersonal Ability

Tell us about a time when you have had to discipline a colleague.


Tell us about a member of your team you have coached or developed.

Organising for Results

What are some of the recurring problems you encounter at work? What do you do about them? Or tell me of a time when you had multiple tasks with competing deadlines and how you handled them.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Tell us a time when you have had to make a difficult decision and what steps were involved in this?


Tell us an area within your professional development that you have worked hard on to improve.


What was your greatest achievement in your last role, and how did you get there? This provides a check on your levels of enthusiasm and drive.

Strategic Thinking

From your knowledge of the job in question, what do you see as being the main challenges?


Tell us about a time when you had to engage the help of others to succeed in a job.

We hope this helps you with preparing for your interview! Check out our blog page for other helpful tips in your job search!

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